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165 days remaining to submit papers to MIC-Things 2024 in Irbid, Jordan
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  • GC-CPE 2011
  • 19.Cnf-63
Papers Published at GC-CPE 2011
All 7 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
19.Cnf-4 Ms. Uzma Siddique
Prof. Habibullah Jamal
Microwave attenuation and prediction of rain outage for GSM transmission networks in Pakistan’s tropical region
19.Cnf-49 Dr. Khair A. Shamaileh
Mr. Abdullah Qaroot
Prof. Nihad Dib
Design of a miniaturized 10:1 unequal split Wilkinson power divider using non-uniform transmission lines
19.Cnf-54 Dr. Mutamed Khatib
Simulation model of the block linear precoder
19.Cnf-55 Dr. Yousef Dama
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Mr. Fernando Salazar-Quiñonez
Dr. Dawei Zhou
Dr. Stephen Jones
Prof. Peter Excell
Experimental Throughput Analysis for MIMO 802.11n Systems over LOS and NLOS Indoor Scenarios
19.Cnf-57 Dr. Issa Elfergani
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Dr. Chan Hwang See
Mrs. Zuhairiah Zainal Abidin
Mr. Hmeda Hraga
Prof. Peter Excell
Compact tunable microstrip F-slot antenna for mobile handset applications
19.Cnf-58 Dr. Hojat Hamidi
Mr. A. Vafaei
Mr. A. H. Monadjemi
A framework for transformational technique in the high performance computing systems
19.Cnf-59 Prof. Omar Ramadan
A unified unconditionally stable split-step FDTD algorithm for modeling general dispersive electromagnetic applications
19.Cnf-63 Paper View Page
Title Impulse based UWB technology as next generation cognitive radio in wireless short ranges networks
Authors Mr. Mohammed Saeed Jawad, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Dr. Widad Ismail, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Abstract IR-UWB technology has recently gain considerable interest in research institutes as well as in industries. It opens new horizon for new wireless applications, since it’s different than other wireless technologies, which they all consider by convention as narrowband comparing to it. IR-UWB transmitting very short pulses with ultra-wide bandwidth with very low duty cycles, this will give some advantages over conventional RF enabling IR-UWB to be the technology for RTLS, RFID, digital smart homes and other new promising wireless applications. In literature many wireless indoor applications can be classified as low to medium or high data rates, with also varying ranges from very short to medium ranges, briefly we can say that there is trade-off between three variables to judge any wireless link performance: Data rate, distance and Bite-error rate, and any applications of a given radio system can trade two of these variables at the cost of third. Fortunately that the IR-UWB definition is flexible and its parameters can be tuned according to Quality of service criteria threshold (BER) or to transmit in different data rates. That’s will make IR-UWB considered as good candidate as cognitive radio. In this research paper, will investigate the flexibility of IR-UWB parameters and how its signal parameters can be dynamically changed according to specific BER threshold to support adaptive IR-UWB scheme for cognitive wireless network applications. Simulated results and real-time point to point IR-UWB radio experiments will be conducted as proof of concept, showing that cognitive IR-UWB system is feasible and is promising technology to combine many wireless communications application in one novel platform.
Track OFC: Optical Fiber Communications
Conference 4th Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (MIC-CPE 2011)
Congress 2011 Global Congress on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (GC-CPE 2011), 4-6 February 2011, Amman, Jordan
Pages --1
Topics Communication System Performance Analysis
Network Modeling and Simulation
ISSN 2227-331X
BibTeX @inproceedings{63CPE2011,
title={Impulse based UWB technology as next generation cognitive radio in wireless short ranges networks},
author={Mohammed Saeed Jawad, and Widad Ismail},
booktitle={2011 Global Congress on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (GC-CPE 2011)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies} }
Paper Views 33 Paper Views Rank 363/524
Paper Downloads 6 Paper Downloads Rank 411/524
GC-CPE 2011 Visits: 16905||MIC-CPE 2011 Visits: 13767||OFC Track Visits: 3679