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345 days remaining to submit papers to MathemaTek 2026 in Antalya, Turkey
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Summary Information of Prof. Borhan Albiss
Name Prof. Borhan Albiss
Affiliation Jordan University of Science and Technology,
Topics Nano-Scale Material Characterization
Nano Fabrication
Biography Jordan University of Science and Technology Nanotechnology Institute/ Irbid-JORDAN e-mai: Phone: +9622720100, ext 23428 Mobile: +962795371394 Prof. Borhan Aldeen Albiss Education: Ph.D. Middle East Technical University/Turkey 1992-1996 M.Sc. Middle East Technical University/Turkey 1990-1992 B.Sc Yarmouk University/Jordan 1983-1987 Administrative Experience Dean Nanotechnology Institute/JUST 2021-present Dean Faculty of Graduate Studies/JUST 2016-2020 Director Nanotechnology Center/JUST 2015-2016 Vice Dean Deanship of Student Affairs/JUST 2011-2013 Acting Dean Student Affairs/JUST 2013-2013 Vice Dean Faculty of Science and Arts/JUST 2007-2009 Assistant Dean Faculty of Science and Arts/JUST 2003-2007 Director King Abdullah II Fund for development/JUST 2012-2013 Visiting Professor University of Erlangen/Germany 2008-2009 Publications 150 publications in international journals (Q1, Q2, Q3) 30 Conference papers (invited, speaker, oral, poster, workshops) BOOKs Two book chapters on superconductivity/ Nova Science publishers USA Funded Projects: 1- Effect of nanoparticles addition on YBCO superconductors. Project No.33/2008. 2- Effect of Phototoxic Grasses and Plants on Human, Bees and Animals in Jordan. Funded by the Higher Council of Science and Technology (2000). 3- Mixed-Ligand complexes for photo-device applications (Jordan Scientific Research Fund) (40.000JD). (2009) 4- Using Magnetic Nanoparticles for thermoplastic sensors for blood coagulation. (Jordan Scientific Research Fund) (60.000 JD). (2009) 5InlabMapping of the radiation pollution of the wi-fi devices, Abdallah Al tell, M. Ali-Alomariand BorhanAlbiss. Project no:89/2013, JUST, amount: 7740 JD. 6- Microfluidic Platform for the detection and treatment monitoring of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. RubaKhnoof, Rami Oweis, Borhan Albiss, Ahmad el-Bateeha, SRF, amount: 91243 JD. 7- Polymer/nanodiamond/Carbon Nanotubes for solar energy applications, Borhan Albiss, Mohamad Al-Fandi, Mohamad Al Omari, deanship of scientific research JUST, amount: 10000 JD. 8- EdU-JORDAN/ EDU-SYRIA project (2016-2022)-Syrian –Jordanian Education project, EU funded (amount 5 million Euros phase I+ 10 Millions Phase II and III). Graduate Students Supervision: More than 50 students Awards Turkish TUBITAK research award/Turkey DFG research award/Germany Google scholar: h index = 23, Citation: 2880 Borhan Aldeen Albiss - Google Scholar Conferences: 1-17th International conference on magnet technology, Geneva-Switzerland, September 2001. 2-3rd International conference on inorganic materials, Konstanz-Germany, September 2002. 3-2nd International conference on magnetic and superconducting materials(MSM02), Irbid-Jordan, September 2002. • Rawashdeh, R.Y., Qabaja, G. and Albiss, B.A. Antibacterial activity of multi-metallic (Ag– Cu–Li) nanorods with different metallic combination ratios against Staphylococcus aureus. BMC Research Notes, 2023,16(1), pp.1-10. • Mutlaq, S., Albiss, B., Al-Nabulsi, A.A., Osaili, T., Al-Jaberi, T., Olaimat, A.N., Liu, S.Q. and Ayyash, M.M. Detection of Salmonella Enteritidis in Milk Using Conductometric Immunosensor Coated on Polyaniline/Zinc Oxide Nanocomposite. 2023, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. • Alshanableh, A., Albiss, B.A., Aljawrneh, B., Alrousan, S., Al-Othman, A. and Megdadi, H. Novel and flexible asymmetric supercapacitors based on NiCo2O4 nanosheets coated on Al and Cu tapes for wearable devices applications. SN Applied Sciences, 2023, 5(4), p.120. • Jada'an, M., Al-Widyan, M. and Albiss, B.A. Energy Harvesting from the Natural Temperature Difference Between the Soil Surface and Soil Depth by Thermoelectric Generation. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2023, 11(1), pp.1-17. • Al-Momani, H., Al Balawi, D.A., Hamed, S., Albiss, B.A., Almasri, M., AlGhawrie, H., Ibrahim, L., Al Balawi, H., Al Haj Mahmoud, S., Pearson, J. and Ward, C. The impact of biosynthesized ZnO nanoparticles from Olea europaea (Common Olive) on Pseudomonas aeruginosa growth and biofilm formation. Scientific Reports, 2023,13(1), p.5096. • Gammoh, S., Alu'datt, M.H., Alhamad, M.N., Alrosan, M., Al‐husein, B., AL‐U'datt, D.A.G., Al‐kandari, S., Rababah, T., Ammari, Z., Albiss, B.A. and Alzoubi, H. Enzymatic bioactive peptides from sonicated whey proteins of camel milk: Impacts of nanopeptides on structural properties, antioxidant activity and inhibitory activity of alpha‐amylase and ACE. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 2022, 75(4), pp.791-802. • Albiss, B. and Abu-Elrub, A., September. Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Zinc Oxide Nanostructures. In 2022 11th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2022, (pp. 418-423). IEEE. • Khnouf, R., Al Shami, F., Albiss, B.A.,
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Published Papers of Prof. Borhan Albiss
Conference Chairings of Prof. Borhan Albiss
Track Chairing
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Nano Engineering and Applications (Nano)MIC-ElectricApps 202515-17 August 2025 (Hybrid Mode) in Irbid, Jordan
Conference Committees of Prof. Borhan Albiss
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