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Update on 1 February 2022: Paper 51.Cnf-17 reaches 462 views.
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Papers Area Updates
Date Update Views
Saturday, 8 March 2025 Paper 4.Cnf-308 reaches 203 views and 115 downloads. 35
Thursday, 13 February 2025 Paper 16.Cnf-151 reaches 209 views and 123 downloads. 51
Saturday, 20 April 2024 Paper 29.Cnf-1147 reaches 97 views and 30 downloads. 229
Sunday, 24 December 2023 Paper 12.Cnf-88 reaches 1229 views and 463 downloads. 228
Friday, 23 June 2023 Paper 16.Cnf-118 reaches 1270 views and 323 downloads. 233
Wednesday, 11 January 2023 Paper 14.Cnf-51 reaches 1032 views and 482 downloads. 203
Wednesday, 9 February 2022 Paper 12.Cnf-111 reaches 739 views and 331 downloads. 207
Tuesday, 1 February 2022 Paper 51.Cnf-17 reaches 462 views. 252
Wednesday, 19 January 2022 Paper 1.Cnf-3 reaches 932 views and 469 downloads. 204
Saturday, 20 November 2021 Paper 47.Cnf-1108@ElectriTek 2020 reaches 523 views. 296
Monday, 15 November 2021 Paper 18.Cnf-10@MIC-CNIT 2010 reaches 731 views and 352 downloads. 259
Thursday, 21 October 2021 Paper 16.Cnf-118@MIC-CCA 2011 reaches 744 views and 210 downloads. 395
Saturday, 4 September 2021 Paper 20.Cnf-67@MIC-CSP 2011 reaches 954 views and 419 downloads. 382
Tuesday, 10 August 2021 Paper 1.Cnf-139@MIC-MCWC 2006 reaches 645 views and 244 downloads. 308
Sunday, 8 August 2021 Paper 18.Cnf-24@MIC-CNIT 2010 reaches 642 views and 288 downloads. 303
Saturday, 31 July 2021 Paper 19.Cnf-62@MIC-CPE 2011 reaches 694 views and 363 downloads. 357
Monday, 28 June 2021 Paper 12.Cnf-103@MIC-MCWC 2011 reaches 769 views and 339 downloads. 295
Saturday, 19 June 2021 Paper 16.Cnf-64@MIC-CCA 2011 reaches 603 views and 262 downloads. 312
Thursday, 17 June 2021 Paper 1.Cnf-6@MIC-MCWC 2006 reaches 767 views and 411 downloads. 339
Monday, 19 April 2021 Paper 12.Cnf-99@MIC-MCWC 2011 reaches 639 views and 272 downloads. 259
Unique Site in Jordan
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Friday, 17 January 2025 Great stays in Irbid, Jordan. 64
Thursday, 2 January 2025 Great stays in Umm Qays, Jordan. 104
Thursday, 26 December 2024 Great stays in Kerak, Jordan. 117
Saturday, 21 December 2024 Great stays in the Dead Sea, Jordan. 103
Friday, 20 December 2024 Great stays in Madaba, Jordan. 102
Saturday, 14 December 2024 Great stays in Petra, Jordan. 129
Friday, 29 November 2024 Great stays in Aqaba, Jordan. 141
Friday, 22 November 2024 Great stays in Wadi Rum, Jordan. 134
Tuesday, 12 November 2024 Great stays in Ajloun, Jordan. 131
Friday, 1 November 2024 Great stays in Jerash, Jordan. 134
Thursday, 24 October 2024 Great stays in Amman, Jordan. 164
  • Best Reviewed
  • Most Viewed
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Papers with Highest Review Scores
1st 12 BPs
2nd 12 BPs
Remaining 6 BPs
#IDAuthors and TitleScore
1 16.Cnf-131Mr. Amin Ebrahimzadeh
Dr. Javad Musevi Niya
Energy Efficient Centralized Clustering Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
2 19.Cnf-59Prof. Omar Ramadan
A unified unconditionally stable split-step FDTD algorithm for modeling general dispersive electromagnetic applications
3 26.Cnf-72Prof. Omar Ramadan
Exponential evolution FDTD operator for general dispersive electromagnetic applications
4 63.Cnf-1179Ms. Elif Özen
Dr. N Ozkurt
Speech Noise Reduction with Wavelet Transform Domain Adaptive Filters
5 51.Cnf-1117Dr. Esraa Albarahmieh
Ms. Razan Al Ziadat
Prof. Munib Saket
Dr. Mohammad Khanfar
Dr. Walid Al-Zyoud
Streamline Development of Propellent-Free Topical Pharmaceutical Foam Via Quality by Design Approach for Potential Sunscreen Application
6 47.Cnf-1101Mr. Georgios D. Kolezas
Dr. Grigorios Zouros
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
Complex Magnetic and Electric Dipolar Resonances of Subwavelength GaAs Prolate Spheroids
7 28.Cnf-319

GS Citations

Prof. Jose Moura
Prof. Joao Silva
Prof. Rui Marinheiro
A brokerage system for enhancing wireless access
8 17.Cnf-211Mr. Mohamed Gharba
Dr. Hao Lin
Dr. Pierre Siohan
Time offsetted FBMC/OQAM transmission system: A theoretical analysis
9 29.Pst-30Ms. Aanchal Alagh
Dr. Fatima Ezahra Annanouch
Prof. Eduard Llobet
Influence of morphology on gas sensing properties of WS2
10 61.Cnf-1198Dr. Aissa Rebai
Prof. Kamel Guesmi
Asymptotic stabilization of fractional order fuzzy time-varying delay systems
11 12.Cnf-116

GS Citations

Prof. Lung-Jen Wang
Mr. Cheng-En Wu
Cross-layer architecture for video transmission over wireless multimedia networks
12 34.Cnf-227Ms. Imane Benkhelifa
Dr. Samira Moussaoui
Speed and Direction Prediction-based Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks
#IDAuthors and TitleScore
13 47.Cnf-1136Mr. Amer Abu Arisheh
Dr. Said Mikki
Prof. Nihad Dib
A nano/micro-sphere excited by a subwavelength laser for wireless communications
14 43.Cnf-1178Mrs. Faiza Hashim
Dr. Khaled Shuaib
Dr. Farag Sallabi
Performance Evaluation of Blockchain Consensus Algorithms for Electronic Health Record Sharing
15 25.Cnf-258Mr. Mohammed Akhoirshida
Prof. Mustafa Matalgah
Performance Analysis of BPSK Dual-Hop Communication system with Co-Channel Interference in Nakagami-m Fading Channels
16 24.Cnf-187Dr. Dawei Zhou
Dr. Fuguo Zhu
Dr. Steven Gao
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Prof. Jiadong Xu
Dr. Yousef Dama
Study and analysis of compact planar ultra wideband antenna with band-notched characteristics
17 29.Cnf-1145Mr. Nabil Morri
Dr. Sameh Hadouaj
Mr. Lamjed Ben Said
Towards an Intelligent control system for public transport traffic efficiency KPIs optimization
18 16.Cnf-87Dr. Musaria Mahmood
Prof. Fawzi Al-Naima
Prof. Nikolaos Uzunoglu
OPNET simulation of data transmission network: a case study for control system in a petroleum refinery complex in Iraq
19 16.Cnf-64Prof. Ahmed Dooguy Kora
Mr. Octave Ringar
Dr. Samuel Ouya
Prof. Jean-Pierre Cances
Wavelength division multiplexing of 1D-code division multiple access systems limitations in optical network using large spectrum sources
20 29.Cnf-220

GS Citations

Prof. Cebrail Ciflikli
Mr. Kadir Aba
Implementing low cost and secure data transmission layer for image transmission in wireless sensor network
21 29.Cnf-313Dr. Joan Bas
Dr. Alexis Dowhuszko
Linear Time-Packing Detectors for Optical Feeder Link in High Throughput Satellite Systems
22 34.Cnf-486Dr. Mohammad M. Al-Shurman
Prof. Mamoun F. Al-Mistarihi
Mr. Shehab Nasser
Hard Handover Optimization in Mobile WiMAX Networks
23 63.Cnf-75Mr. Andres Rojas
Prof. Gordana J. Dolecek
Evaluation of Supervised Machine Learning Classification Algorithms for Fingerprint Recognition
24 25.Cnf-270Ms. Reema Imran
Mrs. Nisreen Hassouneh
Dr. Nizar Zorba
Dr. Christos Verikoukis
Goodput performance of the spatial modulation multiantenna scheme in multiuser scenarios
#IDAuthors and TitleScore
25 39.Cnf-1183Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
Prof. Rahim Faez
Investigation of the possibility of using Single-Electron Transistors in Digital-to-Time Converters
26 51.Cnf-1142Dr. Ahmad Alomari
Prof. Bashar Al-Omari
Mr. Mohammad Al-Adwan
Analysis of Speed Variance on Multilane Highways in Jordan
27 47.Cnf-1135Dr. Ruba Khnouf
Dr. Areen Al-Bashir
Ms. Ala'a Migdade
Ms. Esraa Alshawwa
Mrs. Arwa Faisal Mohammed Sheyab
Image based microfluidic mixing evaluation technique
28 29.Cnf-1144Mrs. Fériel Boulfani
Dr. Xavier Gendre
Prof. Anne Ruiz-Gazen
Mrs. Martina Salvignol
Anomaly detection for aircraft electrical generator using machine learning in a functional data framework
29 20.Cnf-67Ms. Uzma Siddique
Mr. Laeeq Ahmed
Prof. Habibullah Jamal
Scattered spectrum sensing (SSS) in cognitive radio adhoc networks
30 51.Cnf-1126Prof. Mahmoud Alrefaei
Ms. Noor H. Ibrahim
Mrs. Marwa Tuffaha
Solving Fully Fuzzy Transportation Problem with n-Polygonal Fuzzy Numbers
Most Viewed Papers
1st 12 MVPs
2nd 12 MVPs
Remaining 6 MVPs
#Paper IDAuthors and TitleViews
1 47.Cnf-1097Dr. Mohammad M. Banat
Mrs. Haifaa Elayyan
Academic Rewards Coin (ARC) Concept: Mining Academic Contribution Into Bitcoin
2 51.Cnf-17Mr. Ameer Mubaslat
Mr. Ahmad Al Haj
Prof. Saud Khashan
Simulation assisted leak detection in pressurized systems using machine learning
3 16.Cnf-118

GS Citations

Ms. Imane Benkhelifa
Dr. Samira Moussaoui
APPL: Anchor path planning based localization for wireless sensor networks
4 29.Cnf-1147

GS Citations

Dr. Shaobo Chen
Dr. Hongwei Liu
UWB slot antenna on shielding can for high accuracy positioning application
5 47.Cnf-1108Dr. Sari Khatalin
Ms. Hadeel Miqdadi
Outage analysis of cooperative relay non orthogonal multiple access systems over Rician fading channels
6 1.Cnf-3

GS Citations

Dr. Maurizio Bocca
Mr. Cristian Galperti
Dr. Reino Virrankoski
Prof. Heikki Koivo
Estimating the number of persons in an unknown indoor environment by applying wireless acoustic sensors and blind signal separation
7 20.Cnf-67Ms. Uzma Siddique
Mr. Laeeq Ahmed
Prof. Habibullah Jamal
Scattered spectrum sensing (SSS) in cognitive radio adhoc networks
8 29.Cnf-1162Dr. Lina Montuori
Dr. Manuel Alcazar-Ortega
Dr. Carlos Vargas-Salgado
Mrs. Irene Mansó Borràs
Enabling the natural gas system as smart infrastructure: Metering technologies for customer applications
9 1.Cnf-6

GS Citations

Ms. Carmen Beatriz Rodriguez Estrello
Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Dr. Genaro Hernandez-Valdez
System level model for the wireless channel unreliability in mobile cellular networks
10 7.Cnf-172

GS Citations

Dr. Ali Amer
Design and capacity planning of next generation network (NGN)
11 10.Cnf-46

GS Citations

Dr. Waleed Al-Hanafy
Dr. Stephan Weiss
Sum-rate maximisation comparison using incremental approaches with different constraints
12 29.Cnf-1161Dr. Carlos Vargas-Salgado
Mrs. Irene Mansó Borràs
Dr. Manuel Alcazar-Ortega
Dr. Lina Montuori
Floating PV Solar-Powered Systems: design applied to an irrigators community in the Valencia Region – Spain
#Paper IDAuthors and TitleViews
13 20.Cnf-66Ms. Uzma Siddique
Mr. Laeeq Ahmed
Prof. Habibullah Jamal
Performance analysis of 2D pilot-assisted channel estimation for OFDM communication systems
14 29.Cnf-1145Mr. Nabil Morri
Dr. Sameh Hadouaj
Mr. Lamjed Ben Said
Towards an Intelligent control system for public transport traffic efficiency KPIs optimization
15 29.Cnf-113Prof. Càndid Reig
Dr. Maria-Dolores Cubells-Beltran
Mr. Javio Sanchis-Muñoz
Prof. Fernando Pardo
Dr. Jose A. Boluda
Dr. Francisco Vegara
Dr. Susana Cardoso
Address Event Representation (AER) approach to resistive sensor arrays
16 12.Cnf-88Dr. Ammar Abu-Hudrouss
(7,4) Hamming like code for QPSK modulation
17 47.Cnf-1098Mr. Chris Matrakidis
Dr. Dimitris Uzunidis
Alexandros Stavdas
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
Analytical modeling of dispersion penalty for NRZ transmission
18 18.Cnf-10Mr. Muamer Mohammed
Dr. Norrozila Sulaiman
Mr. Osama A. Muhsin
A novel intrusion detection system by using intelligent data mining in WEKA environment
19 29.Cnf-220

GS Citations

Prof. Cebrail Ciflikli
Mr. Kadir Aba
Implementing low cost and secure data transmission layer for image transmission in wireless sensor network
20 29.Cnf-1146Mr. Ismail Moufid
Prof. Hassane El Markhi
Hassan El Moussaoui
Lamhamdi Tijani
Distribution network reconfiguration for power loss minimization using soft open point
21 16.Cnf-64Prof. Ahmed Dooguy Kora
Mr. Octave Ringar
Dr. Samuel Ouya
Prof. Jean-Pierre Cances
Wavelength division multiplexing of 1D-code division multiple access systems limitations in optical network using large spectrum sources
22 29.Cnf-1164Mr. Luis Larrosa López
Mr. David Pecondón
Mr. David Ribó-Pérez
Dr. Manuel Alcazar-Ortega
Demand Response participation in Ancillary Services: a set of regulatory proposals for policymakers in Spain
23 12.Cnf-111

GS Citations

Ms. Aisha Aseeri
Dr. Omaima Bamasak
HB-MP*: towards a man-in-the-middle-resistant protocol of HB family
24 7.Cnf-359Prof. Mohamad Abou El-Nasr
Performance of coded MC-CDMA/MSK 4G synchronous downlink cellular systems with CFO
#Paper IDAuthors and TitleViews
25 29.Cnf-105Dr. Alex Vukovic
Ms. Ayat Alrjoub
Furthering Innovation in Hyper Communication Era
26 18.Cnf-24Mr. Saifur R. Sabuj
Mr. Md S. Islam
Suppression of intercarrier interference using self-cancellation data conjugate scheme in MIMO-OFDM system
27 29.Cnf-1144Mrs. Fériel Boulfani
Dr. Xavier Gendre
Prof. Anne Ruiz-Gazen
Mrs. Martina Salvignol
Anomaly detection for aircraft electrical generator using machine learning in a functional data framework
28 47.Cnf-1099Dr. Dimitris Uzunidis
Mr. Chris Matrakidis
Alexandros Stavdas
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
On the Attainable Transparent Length of Multi-Band Optical Systems Employing Rare – Earth Doped Fiber Amplifiers
29 1.Cnf-139

GS Citations

Prof. Arwa Zabian
Mr. Sami Qawasmeh
Web caching in mobile environments
30 18.Cnf-26Mr. Majid Naghmash
Prof. Mohd F. Ain
Mr. Yin H. Chye
Low-power decimation filter design for SDR receiver applications
Most Downloaded Papers
1st 12 MDPs
2nd 12 MDPs
Remaining 6 MDPs
#IDAuthors and TitleDownloads
1 51.Cnf-17Mr. Ameer Mubaslat
Mr. Ahmad Al Haj
Prof. Saud Khashan
Simulation assisted leak detection in pressurized systems using machine learning
2 51.Cnf-1142Dr. Ahmad Alomari
Prof. Bashar Al-Omari
Mr. Mohammad Al-Adwan
Analysis of Speed Variance on Multilane Highways in Jordan
3 16.Cnf-145Dr. Rafeeq A. Al-Hashemi
Prof. Hilal Saleh
Dr. Ahmed Alobaidi
Data Mining Implementation for Keywords Extraction
4 47.Cnf-1101Mr. Georgios D. Kolezas
Dr. Grigorios Zouros
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
Complex Magnetic and Electric Dipolar Resonances of Subwavelength GaAs Prolate Spheroids
5 29.Cnf-1147

GS Citations

Dr. Shaobo Chen
Dr. Hongwei Liu
UWB slot antenna on shielding can for high accuracy positioning application
6 29.Cnf-1163Dr. Lina Montuori
Dr. Manuel Alcazar-Ortega
Mrs. Irene Mansó Borràs
Dr. Carlos Vargas-Salgado
Communication technologies in smart grids of natural gas: new challenges
7 47.Cnf-1105Dr. Vladimir Vinnikov
Dr. Ekaterina Pshehotskaya
The partial disclosure of gpsOne file format for assisted GPS service
8 51.Cnf-1062Dr. Aqeed M. Chyad
Dr. Osama Abudayyeh
Dr. Maha Alkasisbeh
A Nonlinear Regression-Based Machine Learning Model for Predicting Concrete Bridge Deck Condition
9 47.Cnf-1107Mr. Ugur Ozbek
Dr. Derya Yiltas-Kaplan
Mr. Ahmet Zengin
Ms. Sema Ölmez
Traffic Analysis of a Software Defined Network
10 9.Cnf-385Mr. Amer Tanjo
Prof. Vlatko Lipovac

Impact of Interference and Low Signal Power on the Radio Performance and Design of GSM Network in High-Buildings
11 2.Cnf-702M. Abri
A. Ikhlef
Noureddine Boukli-Hacene
Fethi T. Bendimerad
Weighted array design of an aperture coupled printed antennas
12 12.Cnf-88Dr. Ammar Abu-Hudrouss
(7,4) Hamming like code for QPSK modulation
#IDAuthors and TitleDownloads
13 51.Cnf-1104Dr. Rafat Al-Waked
Underground Car Park - Mechanical Ventilation
14 29.Cnf-1154Mr. Daniel Andoni Basterrechea
Mr. Javier Rocher
Dr. Lorena Parra
Prof. Jaime Lloret
Development of Optical Sensor to detect Industrial Oil in Agricultural Irrigation System
15 12.Cnf-114Dr. Amer M. Al Canaan
Prof. Ahmed Khoumsi
Performance Enhancement of Image-Retrieval Web Services Through Image Dimensional Optimisation
16 1.Cnf-6

GS Citations

Ms. Carmen Beatriz Rodriguez Estrello
Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Dr. Genaro Hernandez-Valdez
System level model for the wireless channel unreliability in mobile cellular networks
17 15.Cnf-43

GS Citations

Mr. Abdullah Qaroot
Prof. Nihad Dib
Design of dual-band unequal split Wilkinson power divider using transmission line transformers
18 15.Cnf-44Dr. Ayman Sabbah
Prof. Nihad Dib
Prof. Moh’d A. Al-Nimr
Evaluation of SAR and temperature elevation in a multi-layered human head model exposed to RF radiation using the FDTD method
19 5.Cnf-745
Design of Ultra Wideband Receiver Front-End
20 47.Cnf-1071Dr. Mohammad M. Banat
Mr. Ahmed Al-Shwmi
Detailed Simplified Implementation of Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation Using Sub-Channel Prototype Filters
21 37.Cnf-542Mr. Yuichi Kato
Prof. Takehiko Kobayashi
Dr. Tomoaki Toda
Dr. Atsushi Tomiki
Prof. Kenichi Kagoshima

Prototype of an X/Ka Dual-Band Primary Radiatop for Satellite-Borne Cassegrain Antennas
22 16.Cnf-142Dr. Abdul_bary Suleiman
Dr. Mahmod Mahmod
Mr. Omar W. Hamdon
Real-Time TMS3206713 DSP-Based Adaptive Noise Cancellation for Speech Signal Processing
23 8.Cnf-868Dr. Mohamad Y. Alias
LDPC assisted minimum bit error rate multiuser detector in SDMA-OFDM
24 47.Cnf-1108Dr. Sari Khatalin
Ms. Hadeel Miqdadi
Outage analysis of cooperative relay non orthogonal multiple access systems over Rician fading channels
#IDAuthors and TitleDownloads
25 10.Cnf-386Dr. Muneer Bani Yassein

Mr. Mosbah Al-Nawashi
Comparison between multi probabilistic schemes in MANETs using different parameters
26 37.Cnf-512Dr. Alia Zakriti
Dr. Naima Amar Touhami
Mr. Mohamed Lamsali
Dr. Mohamed Essaidi
Improvement of Band-Width Performance of Hairpin Band-Pass Filter Using Defected Ground Structures
27 3.Cnf-692
Toward Web Server Evaluation Under Ramp Load (By Bandwidth and Average User Bandwidth)
28 51.Cnf-1119Prof. Suhil Kiwan
Prof. Munther Kandah
Mr. Ghanem Kandah
Zero Energy Building in Jordan
29 16.Cnf-126Mr. Badoui Yamine
Prof. Rahim Tafazolli
Dynamic Storage Method for the UMTS Radio Resource Control
30 7.Cnf-172

GS Citations

Dr. Ali Amer
Design and capacity planning of next generation network (NGN)