Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Signal Processing for Communications Multirate Signal Processing
Joan Bas (Barcelona, 1971) received the MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1998 and 2004 respectively. During the pursuit of his PhD, he was recipient of a 1998-2000 fellowship of the UPC’s Communication Signal Processing Group, and a 2000-2004 PhD scholarship granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology.
From June 1998 to July 2004, he has been with UPC’s Communications Signal Processing Group, where he has worked first as associated professor and next as a Research Assistant . In March 2005 he joined to the Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia (CTTC), where he currently holds a position as a Research Associate in the area of Engineering.
Currently, his main interests of researching consists on improving the energy efficiency of time-constrained Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications with new coding schemess or better implementations of already existing ones, cross-layer designs of M2M networks, and cooperative protocol stack implementation. Reconfigurable systems is another research interest in order to integrate heterogeneous communication networks. For instance the relationship between Turbo and Low Density Parity-Check codes and their parallel implementation for guarateeing high-reliability for time-constraint applications.
- See more at: http://www.cttc.es/people/jbas/#sthash.0eZdBd9S.dpuf