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Summary Information of Prof. Rahim Faez
Name Prof. Rahim Faez
Affiliation Sharif University of Technology,
Topics Device Modeling and Simulation
Digital Circuit Simulation
Biography I was student in the sharif university of technology in the physics department sonce year 1971. Then was MSc student in the physics departmet of UCLA in 1976. Then I was PhDstudent of Electrical Eng. dept. at UCLA. Then I began my work at elec. eng. dept. of sharif univ. of tech. in 1985.
User Since Friday, 24 September 2021
User Page Views 38
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.2232
Conference Registration Discount 4.84%
Published Papers of Prof. Rahim Faez
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
39.Cnf-1183Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
Prof. Rahim Faez
Investigation of the possibility of using Single-Electron Transistors in Digital-to-Time Converters
MIC-Electronics 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Prof. Rahim Faez
Conference Committees of Prof. Rahim Faez
Paper Reviews by Prof. Rahim Faez
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Conference Talks by Prof. Rahim Faez