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Summary Information of Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
Name Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
Affiliation Qazvin Islamic Azad University,
Topics Device Modeling and Simulation
Simulation of Nano- and Quantum Devices
Biography I have received my Master degree in Electrical Engineering- Electronics from Tehran Science and Research Branch (Qazvin) of Islamic Azad University, Iran. I was an excellent graduate student of Electronics in QIAU in 2015(Cumulative GPA of 18.54 out of 20). My Master\'s thesis topic was on \"Time-Domain Analog and Digital Mixed Signal Processing Using Single- Electron- Transistor\".
User Since Wednesday, 22 September 2021
User Page Views 39
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.2232
Conference Registration Discount 4.84%
Published Papers of Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
39.Cnf-1183Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
Prof. Rahim Faez
Investigation of the possibility of using Single-Electron Transistors in Digital-to-Time Converters
MIC-Electronics 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
Conference Committees of Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
Paper Reviews by Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris
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Conference Talks by Mr. Masoud Hakimi Heris