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Summary Information of Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Name Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Affiliation Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN,
Mexico City,
User Since Wednesday, 12 August 2015
User Page Views 49
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0
Conference Registration Discount 0%
Published Papers of Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location

GS Citations

Ms. Carmen Beatriz Rodriguez Estrello
Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Dr. Genaro Hernandez-Valdez
System level model for the wireless channel unreliability in mobile cellular networks
MIC-MCWC 200617-20 September 2006 in Amman, Jordan
Conference Chairings of Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Conference Committees of Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Paper Reviews by Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
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Conference Talks by Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez