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Update on 13 August 2021: Dr. Ali Abu Odeh becomes Publicity Chairperson of EngiTek 2022.
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Summary Information of Prof. Càndid Reig
Name Prof. Càndid Reig
Affiliation Universitat de Valencia,
Topics CMOS Integrated Circuits
Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits
Biography Càndid Reig received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from the University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, in 1994, 1995, and 2000, respectively. In 1997, he was with Radiaciones y Microondas S.A., Madrid, Spain. He joined the Department of Applied Physics, University of Valencia, where he developed his doctoral thesis. In 2001, he was an Assistant Professor with University Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain. In 2002, he was an Assistant Professor with the University of Valencia and a Post- Doctoral Fellow with INESC-MN, Lisbon, Portugal, working on sensors integration. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Valencia, where he teaches and does research. His current research interests include the development of printed antennas as well as sensors (mainly gas and magnetic) integration at the integrated circuit level. He has been a researcher and principal investigator in different national and international scientific research projects. He has advised Ph.D. students within these topics. He has published more than 40 journal papers, contributed more than 50 works to conferences, edited a book, and co-authored four book chapters. Dr. Reig actively participates in periodic international conference program committees, in research journals’ editorial boards as well as acting as a referee for different research journals. He was the General co-Chair of the IEEE Sensors Conference (2014, Valencia) and he is currently the Chair of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Sensors Council. He was a co-recipient of the IETE-J C Bose Memorial Award in 2011 and the MSJ Best Publication Award in 2014.
User Since Wednesday, 17 October 2018
User Page Views 234
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.4625
Conference Registration Discount 9.77%
Published Papers of Prof. Càndid Reig
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
29.Cnf-1153Mrs. Hala Darwish
Prof. Càndid Reig
Dr. Maria-Dolores Cubells-Beltran
Dr. Gildas Leger
Dr. Andrea De Marcellis
CMOS Capacitance-to-Time Converter-Based Interface for Differential Capacitive Sensors
MIC-ElectricApps 20204-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
29.Cnf-113Prof. Càndid Reig
Dr. Maria-Dolores Cubells-Beltran
Mr. Javio Sanchis-Muñoz
Prof. Fernando Pardo
Dr. Jose A. Boluda
Dr. Francisco Vegara
Dr. Susana Cardoso
Address Event Representation (AER) approach to resistive sensor arrays
MIC-ElectricApps 20204-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Prof. Càndid Reig
Conference Chairing
ConferenceDates and Location
1st Mosharaka International Conference on Emerging Applications of Electrical Engineering (MIC-ElectricApps 2020)4-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Committees of Prof. Càndid Reig
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Electronic Engineering and Applications (Electronics)MIC-ElectricApps 20204-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
Electronic Circuits and Systems (ECS)ElectriTek 202016-18 June 2020 in Irbid, Jordan
Integrated Circuit Technologies and Applications (ICTA)MIC-Electronics 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Paper Reviews by Prof. Càndid Reig
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Prof. Càndid Reig has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
MIC- 1970
ElectronicsMIC-ElectricApps 2020
Conference Talks by Prof. Càndid Reig