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Update on Thursday, 27 January 2022: Dr. Esraa Abdelall becomes Track Chairperson of MDM@MechaniTek 2022.
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Summary Information of Dr. Gildas Leger
Name Dr. Gildas Leger
Affiliation Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla,
Topics Analog and Mixed Signal Circuit Design
Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Biography Gildas Leger received the Physics engineering degree from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Rennes, France, in 1999 and the Ph.D. degree in microelectronics from the University of Seville, Spain, in 2007. Since 2008 he holds a position of Tenured Scientist for the Spanish National Science Council (CSIC) at the Microelectronics Institute of Seville (IMSE-CNM). His main research interests are focused on both the Design and Test of AMS-RF circuits, with a particular emphasis on Space applications (radiation-hardened design) and Data Converters. He has repeatedly served as a member of the Program Committee for several important conferences in the field of test, like DATE or ETS. As well, he has been Analog Topic Chair for ETS from 2016 to 2018, General Chair and Program Chair of the IMSTW workshop in 2017 and 2015, respectively.
User Since Monday, 13 July 2020
User Page Views 28
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.1828
Conference Registration Discount 3.98%
Published Papers of Dr. Gildas Leger
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
29.Cnf-1153Mrs. Hala Darwish
Prof. Càndid Reig
Dr. Maria-Dolores Cubells-Beltran
Dr. Gildas Leger
Dr. Andrea De Marcellis
CMOS Capacitance-to-Time Converter-Based Interface for Differential Capacitive Sensors
MIC-ElectricApps 20204-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Dr. Gildas Leger
Conference Committees of Dr. Gildas Leger
Paper Reviews by Dr. Gildas Leger
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Conference Talks by Dr. Gildas Leger