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Summary Information of Mr. Nabil Morri
Name Mr. Nabil Morri
Affiliation Université de Tunis,
Topics Multi-Agent Systems
Multi-Criterion Decision Making
Biography Mr Nabil Morri occupied the position of Lecturer in computer science in Technology University, Tunisia between 1998 and 2003, and Senior Lecturer from 2003 to august 2013. Since September 2013, he becomes teacher in computer science at Emirates College of technology as a senior lecturer. He is a member in INSTICC (Institute for System and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication) He is also member of SMART research laboratory. Mr. Nabil received his master's degree in computer science from ENSI of the University of Tunis and he has an aggregation for teaching from ministry of high education and technology of Tunisia since 2001. After training done in pedagogic project at CEGEP LEVI-LOZON of CANADA, he obtained a certificate of pedagogic qualification. His research area is Artificial Intelligence, multi-agent system, simulations, Optimization and Decision Support System. He is registered in PhD. Its objective is proposing an innovative solution in order to improve mobility and action control of public transport (bus, metro, and Tramway). He published papers in indexed international conferences, journals, and workshops. Mr. Nabil serves as a chair of some sessions at internationals conferences.
User Since Tuesday, 29 October 2019
User Page Views 247
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Published Papers of Mr. Nabil Morri
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
29.Cnf-1145Mr. Nabil Morri
Dr. Sameh Hadouaj
Mr. Lamjed Ben Said
Towards an Intelligent control system for public transport traffic efficiency KPIs optimization
MIC-ElectricApps 20204-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Mr. Nabil Morri
Conference Committees of Mr. Nabil Morri
Paper Reviews by Mr. Nabil Morri
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Conference Talks by Mr. Nabil Morri