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Update on 15 April 2022: Dr. Mohammed Al-Hayanni becomes Track Chairperson of SmarTek@EnginApps 2022.
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Summary Information of Dr. Khaled Shuaib
Name Dr. Khaled Shuaib
Affiliation United Arab Emirates University,
Al Ain,
Topics Wireless Communication Networks
Biography Dr. Shuaib received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the City University of New York, 1999. Since Sept. 2002, he has been with the College of Information Technology, at the UAE University where he is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Networking Track. Since Jan. 2004, Dr. Shuaib has also been the Director of the UAEU Cisco Regional Networking Academy. Prior to joining the UAE University, Dr. Shuaib had several years of industrial experience in the US as a Senior MTS at GTE Labs (Currently Verizon Tech. Center) (1997-99), and as a Principle Performance Engineer for Lucent Tech. (1999-02). His work was focused on the transmission of video over IP and ATM based networks and on the performance evaluation, design and scalability of major ISPs such as AT&T, MCI, SBC and several others. Dr. Shuaib is a holder of 2 US Patents and has over 45 referred publications. He also serves as a TPC on various IEEE conferences and as a reviewer for several International Journals.
User Since Saturday, 24 April 2010
User Page Views 229
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.2219
Conference Registration Discount 4.81%
Published Papers of Dr. Khaled Shuaib
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
43.Cnf-1178Mrs. Faiza Hashim
Dr. Khaled Shuaib
Dr. Farag Sallabi
Performance Evaluation of Blockchain Consensus Algorithms for Electronic Health Record Sharing
MIC-Smart 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Dr. Khaled Shuaib
Conference Committees of Dr. Khaled Shuaib
Paper Reviews by Dr. Khaled Shuaib
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Conference Talks by Dr. Khaled Shuaib