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Update on Thursday, 4 April 2024: GC-ElecEng 2024 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Jordan Section. Application for IEEE technical co-sponsorship is in progress.
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Summary Information of Dr. Hongwei Liu
Name Dr. Hongwei Liu
Affiliation Sunway Communication,
San Diego, CA,
Topics Antennas
mmWave, Sub-mmWave and THz Antennas
Biography 35+ years experience of RF and antenna R&D in universities and companies globally Currently serving as Chief Scientist (VP) and President of North America Research Institute at Sunway Communication with 15+ US patents granted and co-author of Mobile Handset Antennas for ANTENNA ENGINEERING HANDBOOK (5th Edition, 2018) Session Chairs of IEEE APS (2017, 2018 and 2019); Chair of LTE TRP/TIS Limits for CTIA OTA Working Group (2017-2019) Head\Senior Expert of Huawei Device USA RF&Antenna Engineering (2013-2019) Head of Motorola MMCP DFX; Fellow\Distinguished Member of Technical Staff\Principal Staff Engineer of Motorola Antenna Technology Center of Excellence (2003-2013) Senior System Engineer of Epsilon Lambda Electronics (2000-2003) Professor and Vice Dean\Associate Professor and Director of College of Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (1993-2000) Research Associate of Royal Military College of Canada (1997-1998)
User Since Saturday, 6 June 2020
User Page Views 55
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.2258
Conference Registration Discount 4.89%
Published Papers of Dr. Hongwei Liu
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location

GS Citations

Dr. Shaobo Chen
Dr. Hongwei Liu
UWB slot antenna on shielding can for high accuracy positioning application
MIC-ElectricApps 20204-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Dr. Hongwei Liu
Conference Committees of Dr. Hongwei Liu
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Electromagnetics, Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation (Electromagnetics)MIC-ElectricApps 20204-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
Paper Reviews by Dr. Hongwei Liu
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Dr. Hongwei Liu has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
MIC- 1970
Conference Talks by Dr. Hongwei Liu