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Update on 11 January 2023: Paper 14.Cnf-51 reaches 1032 views and 482 downloads.
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Summary Information of Prof. Saud Khashan
Name Prof. Saud Khashan
Affiliation Jordan University of Science and Technology,
Topics Micro and Nano Fluids
Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
Biography Dr. Saud A. Khashan, Associate Professor and chairperson of the mechanical engineering department at Jordan University of Science and Technology. Joined JUST in 2016. Before that, he worked at the mechanical engineering department at the United Arab Emirates University (2000-2016) and the Petroleum development lab at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (1998-2000). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA in 1998. Dr. Khashan has an active commitment to research in Bio-MEMS, computational and experimental Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, , Biomagnetic fluids, MACS and other cell separation techniques, and energy systems, Since 1998, he conducted more than 12 major funded research projects (eight as PI) and produced two US patents (grants) and more than 60 scientific articles. He served on the Executive editorial board of the Emirates Journal for Engineering Research EJER and on the organizing committee for five international conferences. During his academic service, Dr. Khashan served on many university, college and department committees and task forces. He chaired key committees related to continuous improvements, quality assurance and program and curricular planning and accreditation.
User Since Monday, 18 February 2019
User Page Views 346
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.2998
Conference Registration Discount 6.45%
Published Papers of Prof. Saud Khashan
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
51.Cnf-17Mr. Ameer Mubaslat
Mr. Ahmad Al Haj
Prof. Saud Khashan
Simulation assisted leak detection in pressurized systems using machine learning
MechaniTek 202016-18 June 2020 in Irbid, Jordan
Conference Chairings of Prof. Saud Khashan
Conference Chairing
ConferenceDates and Location
1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Technologies (MechaniTek 2020)16-18 June 2020 in Irbid, Jordan
Conference Committees of Prof. Saud Khashan
Organizing Committees
CongressDates and Location
EngiTek 202016-18 June 2020 in Irbid, Jordan
Paper Reviews by Prof. Saud Khashan
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Prof. Saud Khashan has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
DynamicsMechaniTek 2020
Conference Talks by Prof. Saud Khashan