A slot antenna suitable for UWB positioning application is realized on the shielding can and is presented in this paper. As the shielding can is an indispensable element for RF circuit, the proposed slot antenna has the benefit of reducing the whole UWB system size by eliminating the need of mounting an extra UWB antenna which is mostly realized by PCB antenna or ceramic antenna. This slot antenna is fed by a flexible coaxial cable assembled inside the shielding can, which also works for the RF connection of the antenna with the UWB RF front-end. The designed antenna operates on UWB Channel 9 where the center frequency is 7.9872 GHz per IEEE Standard 802.15.4TM-2015. The simulated results show 7.0% fractional impedance bandwidth for VSWR < 3 and the corresponding operating frequency range is from 7.73 GHz to 8.29 GHz. It can cover the whole UWB Channel 9 band with 499.2 MHz bandwidth requirement. The antenna shows directional radiation performance. Although the directional radiation performance will lose the wide area coverage feature, it has the potential benefit of lower SAR and longer positioning distance. The peak gain of the antenna is 5.9 dBi and the total radiation efficiency is above 71% across the working frequency range.
Electromagnetics: Electromagnetics, Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation
1st Mosharaka International Conference on Emerging Applications of Electrical Engineering (MIC-ElectricApps 2020)
2020 Global Congress on Electrical Engineering (GC-ElecEng 2020), 4-6 September 2020, ,
Antennas Antenna systems and Architectures
title={UWB slot antenna on shielding can for high accuracy positioning application},
author={Shaobo Chen, and Hongwei Liu},
booktitle={2020 Global Congress on Electrical Engineering (GC-ElecEng 2020)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies}