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  • ElecEng
  • GC-ElecEng 2020
  • 29.Cnf-1146
ElecEng Congresses with Published Papers
GC-ElecEng 2020, Valencia
GC-ElecEng 2021, Valencia
Papers Published at GC-ElecEng 2020
All 9 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
29.Cnf-105 Dr. Alex Vukovic
Ms. Ayat Alrjoub
Furthering Innovation in Hyper Communication Era
29.Cnf-113 Prof. Càndid Reig
Dr. Maria-Dolores Cubells-Beltran
Mr. Javio Sanchis-Muñoz
Prof. Fernando Pardo
Dr. Jose A. Boluda
Dr. Francisco Vegara
Dr. Susana Cardoso
Address Event Representation (AER) approach to resistive sensor arrays

GS Citations

Prof. Cebrail Ciflikli
Mr. Kadir Aba
Implementing low cost and secure data transmission layer for image transmission in wireless sensor network
29.Cnf-221 Mrs. Aicha Mchbal
Dr. Naima Amar Touhami
Dr. El Ftouh Hanae
Dr. Aziz Dkiouak
Four-element UWB MIMO Antenna Design
29.Cnf-313 Dr. Joan Bas
Dr. Alexis Dowhuszko
Linear Time-Packing Detectors for Optical Feeder Link in High Throughput Satellite Systems
29.Cnf-1144 Mrs. Fériel Boulfani
Dr. Xavier Gendre
Prof. Anne Ruiz-Gazen
Mrs. Martina Salvignol
Anomaly detection for aircraft electrical generator using machine learning in a functional data framework
29.Cnf-1145 Mr. Nabil Morri
Dr. Sameh Hadouaj
Mr. Lamjed Ben Said
Towards an Intelligent control system for public transport traffic efficiency KPIs optimization
29.Cnf-1146 Mr. Ismail Moufid
Prof. Hassane El Markhi
Hassan El Moussaoui
Lamhamdi Tijani
Distribution network reconfiguration for power loss minimization using soft open point

GS Citations

Dr. Shaobo Chen
Dr. Hongwei Liu
UWB slot antenna on shielding can for high accuracy positioning application
29.Cnf-1146 Paper View Page
Title Distribution network reconfiguration for power loss minimization using soft open point
Authors Mr. Ismail Moufid, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fes, Morocco
Prof. Hassane El Markhi, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fes, Morocco
Hassan El Moussaoui, , ,
Lamhamdi Tijani, , ,
Abstract The integration of renewable energy into the distribution network leads to the use of electronic components such as SOP (Soft Open Point). This latest reduces the overloads and power losses in distribution networks. The SOP is a power electronic device installed between adjacent feeders of a distribution network, with the capability to control real and reactive power flows through its connecting points. The distribution system operators must propose solutions to solve the main problems, such as reliability, power loss minimizations, and the quality of electrical energy. This paper presents a strategy for distribution network reconfiguration through using SOP to minimize power losses in the distribution network. The simulation results demonstrate that the use of SOP reduces greatly the power losses in the To examine the validity of the proposed system a distribution network is chosen using Matlab/Simulink and Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) distribution network.
Track Power: Power Engineering and Applications
Conference 1st Mosharaka International Conference on Emerging Applications of Electrical Engineering (MIC-ElectricApps 2020)
Congress 2020 Global Congress on Electrical Engineering (GC-ElecEng 2020), 4-6 September 2020, Valencia, Spain
Pages 38-42
Topics Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Flexible AC Transmission Systems
ISSN 2227-331X
BibTeX @inproceedings{1146ElecEng2020,
title={Distribution network reconfiguration for power loss minimization using soft open point},
author={Ismail Moufid, and Hassane El Markhi, and Hassan El Moussaoui, and Lamhamdi Tijani},
booktitle={2020 Global Congress on Electrical Engineering (GC-ElecEng 2020)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies} }
Paper Views 330 Paper Views Rank 18/524
Paper Downloads 122 Paper Downloads Rank 66/524
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All 9 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
29.Cnf-105 Dr. Alex Vukovic
Ms. Ayat Alrjoub
Furthering Innovation in Hyper Communication Era
29.Cnf-113 Prof. Càndid Reig
Dr. Maria-Dolores Cubells-Beltran
Mr. Javio Sanchis-Muñoz
Prof. Fernando Pardo
Dr. Jose A. Boluda
Dr. Francisco Vegara
Dr. Susana Cardoso
Address Event Representation (AER) approach to resistive sensor arrays

GS Citations

Prof. Cebrail Ciflikli
Mr. Kadir Aba
Implementing low cost and secure data transmission layer for image transmission in wireless sensor network
29.Cnf-221 Mrs. Aicha Mchbal
Dr. Naima Amar Touhami
Dr. El Ftouh Hanae
Dr. Aziz Dkiouak
Four-element UWB MIMO Antenna Design
29.Cnf-313 Dr. Joan Bas
Dr. Alexis Dowhuszko
Linear Time-Packing Detectors for Optical Feeder Link in High Throughput Satellite Systems
29.Cnf-1144 Mrs. Fériel Boulfani
Dr. Xavier Gendre
Prof. Anne Ruiz-Gazen
Mrs. Martina Salvignol
Anomaly detection for aircraft electrical generator using machine learning in a functional data framework
29.Cnf-1145 Mr. Nabil Morri
Dr. Sameh Hadouaj
Mr. Lamjed Ben Said
Towards an Intelligent control system for public transport traffic efficiency KPIs optimization
29.Cnf-1146 Mr. Ismail Moufid
Prof. Hassane El Markhi
Hassan El Moussaoui
Lamhamdi Tijani
Distribution network reconfiguration for power loss minimization using soft open point

GS Citations

Dr. Shaobo Chen
Dr. Hongwei Liu
UWB slot antenna on shielding can for high accuracy positioning application
GC-ElecEng 2020 Visits: 16095||MIC-ElectricApps 2020 Visits: 13418||Power Track Visits: 139