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  • GC-ElecEng 2021
ElecEng Congresses with Published Papers
GC-ElecEng 2020, Valencia
GC-ElecEng 2021, Valencia
Papers Published at GC-ElecEng 2021
All 11 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
43.Cnf-38 Mr. Aron Kondoro
Ms. Diana Rwegasira
Prof. Imed Dhaou
Prof. Hannu Tenhunen
Trends of using blockchain technology in the smart grid
63.Cnf-75 Mr. Andres Rojas
Prof. Gordana J. Dolecek
Evaluation of Supervised Machine Learning Classification Algorithms for Fingerprint Recognition
62.Cnf-106 Mr. Joan Carles Montero
Ms. Merce Feliu
Dr. Joan Bas
Optical Communications Through Low Orbit Satellites
63.Cnf-140 Dr. Mohammad Al-Mousa
Mr. Nael Sweerky
Dr. Ghassan Samara
Dr. Mohammed Alghanim
Ms. Abla Hussein
Mr. Braa Qadoumi
General Countermeasures of Anti-Forensics Categories
62.Cnf-143 Dr. Ghassan Samara
Mr. Mohammad Hussein
Dr. Khalid Alqawasmi
Alarm System at street junctions (ASSJ) to avoid accidents Using VANET system
43.Cnf-1170 Mr. Zayd Khashshan
Dr. Moudar Zgoul
Optic Flow-based Vision System for Autonomous and Collision-free Navigation of Micro Aerial Vehicles
62.Cnf-1173 Mr. Fernando Salazar-Quiñonez
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Mr. Andrew Cowley
Mr. Derek Bladen
UHF Radio Extender System for Ship to Shore Communications using 3D SBR for Positioning
63.Cnf-1174 Prof. Gordana J. Dolecek
Improving Characteristics of Compensated Sharpened CIC Decimation Filters
35.Cnf-1175 Ms. Aika Silveira Miura
Ms. Mar Parra Boronat
Prof. Jaime Lloret
Prof. Miguel Rodilla
LED optical sensor prototype to determine dissolved oxygen saturation in water
35.Cnf-1176 Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Modelling High speed Robotic Arm for Industrial Applications
43.Cnf-1177 Mr. Juan Luis Mayor Puyol
Dr. Victor Monzón Baeza
Bycicle Sharing System Using an IoT Network
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All 11 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
43.Cnf-38 Mr. Aron Kondoro
Ms. Diana Rwegasira
Prof. Imed Dhaou
Prof. Hannu Tenhunen
Trends of using blockchain technology in the smart grid
63.Cnf-75 Mr. Andres Rojas
Prof. Gordana J. Dolecek
Evaluation of Supervised Machine Learning Classification Algorithms for Fingerprint Recognition
62.Cnf-106 Mr. Joan Carles Montero
Ms. Merce Feliu
Dr. Joan Bas
Optical Communications Through Low Orbit Satellites
63.Cnf-140 Dr. Mohammad Al-Mousa
Mr. Nael Sweerky
Dr. Ghassan Samara
Dr. Mohammed Alghanim
Ms. Abla Hussein
Mr. Braa Qadoumi
General Countermeasures of Anti-Forensics Categories
62.Cnf-143 Dr. Ghassan Samara
Mr. Mohammad Hussein
Dr. Khalid Alqawasmi
Alarm System at street junctions (ASSJ) to avoid accidents Using VANET system
43.Cnf-1170 Mr. Zayd Khashshan
Dr. Moudar Zgoul
Optic Flow-based Vision System for Autonomous and Collision-free Navigation of Micro Aerial Vehicles
62.Cnf-1173 Mr. Fernando Salazar-Quiñonez
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Mr. Andrew Cowley
Mr. Derek Bladen
UHF Radio Extender System for Ship to Shore Communications using 3D SBR for Positioning
63.Cnf-1174 Prof. Gordana J. Dolecek
Improving Characteristics of Compensated Sharpened CIC Decimation Filters
35.Cnf-1175 Ms. Aika Silveira Miura
Ms. Mar Parra Boronat
Prof. Jaime Lloret
Prof. Miguel Rodilla
LED optical sensor prototype to determine dissolved oxygen saturation in water
35.Cnf-1176 Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Modelling High speed Robotic Arm for Industrial Applications
43.Cnf-1177 Mr. Juan Luis Mayor Puyol
Dr. Victor Monzón Baeza
Bycicle Sharing System Using an IoT Network
GC-ElecEng 2021 Visits: 30402|| Visits: