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Update on 13 May 2021: MDPI to sponsor best paper and best presentation awards at GC-ElecEng 2021.
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Summary Information of Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Name Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Affiliation Universiti Putra Malaysia,
Topics System Identification
Digital Control Systems
Biography Falih S.M. Alkhafaji was born in Iraq,1964. He obtained his (BSc) in Electrical Engineering in University of technology/Baghdad from Electrical and Electronics Department. Then he got (MSc) in 2006, with thesis entitle of “Development of 16 Bit Faster ALU based on FPGA) in Computer Engineering Department in the same university as well. In 2006, he became IT director in State Company for Electrical and Electronics Industry, Ministry of Industry and Mineral /Iraq. In 2014, he was granted a scholarship from Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to pursue his PhD degree in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia. He has several publications in controller systems for some journals and conferences such as CTN, ICSIMA 2018, Encon2017, and others. He specializes in several topics: 1-Modification optimization controller algorithms GA and PSO, 2-System Identification, 3-improving DAQ hardware, 4-model-based design, 5-hardware-based FPGA_SoC, 6-VHDL code, and C code language, 7-Vivado HLX and HLS software, 8-MATLAB code.
User Since Saturday, 11 May 2019
User Page Views 187
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0
Conference Registration Discount 0%
Published Papers of Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
35.Cnf-1176Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Modelling High speed Robotic Arm for Industrial Applications
MIC-ElectricApps 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Conference Committees of Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Scientific Committees
Program Committees
ConferenceDates and Location
MIC-ElectricApps 20204-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Automatic Control Systems (ACS)MIC-Control 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Robotics Engineering and Applications (Robotics)MIC-ElectricApps 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Paper Reviews by Dr. Falih Alkhafaji
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Dr. Falih Alkhafaji has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
ACSMIC-Control 2021
Conference Talks by Dr. Falih Alkhafaji