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  • EngiTek 2020
  • 47.Cnf-1097
EngiTek Congresses with Published Papers
EngiTek 2020, Irbid
Papers Published at EngiTek 2020
All 10 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
51.Cnf-17 Mr. Ameer Mubaslat
Mr. Ahmad Al Haj
Prof. Saud Khashan
Simulation assisted leak detection in pressurized systems using machine learning
51.Cnf-1062 Dr. Aqeed M. Chyad
Dr. Osama Abudayyeh
Dr. Maha Alkasisbeh
A Nonlinear Regression-Based Machine Learning Model for Predicting Concrete Bridge Deck Condition
47.Cnf-1071 Dr. Mohammad M. Banat
Mr. Ahmed Al-Shwmi
Detailed Simplified Implementation of Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation Using Sub-Channel Prototype Filters
47.Cnf-1097 Dr. Mohammad M. Banat
Mrs. Haifaa Elayyan
Academic Rewards Coin (ARC) Concept: Mining Academic Contribution Into Bitcoin
47.Cnf-1098 Mr. Chris Matrakidis
Dr. Dimitris Uzunidis
Alexandros Stavdas
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
Analytical modeling of dispersion penalty for NRZ transmission
47.Cnf-1099 Dr. Dimitris Uzunidis
Mr. Chris Matrakidis
Alexandros Stavdas
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
On the Attainable Transparent Length of Multi-Band Optical Systems Employing Rare – Earth Doped Fiber Amplifiers
47.Cnf-1101 Mr. Georgios D. Kolezas
Dr. Grigorios Zouros
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
Complex Magnetic and Electric Dipolar Resonances of Subwavelength GaAs Prolate Spheroids
51.Cnf-1104 Dr. Rafat Al-Waked
Underground Car Park - Mechanical Ventilation
47.Cnf-1105 Dr. Vladimir Vinnikov
Dr. Ekaterina Pshehotskaya
The partial disclosure of gpsOne file format for assisted GPS service
47.Cnf-1107 Mr. Ugur Ozbek
Dr. Derya Yiltas-Kaplan
Mr. Ahmet Zengin
Ms. Sema Ölmez
Traffic Analysis of a Software Defined Network
47.Cnf-1097 Paper View Page
Title Academic Rewards Coin (ARC) Concept: Mining Academic Contribution Into Bitcoin
Authors Dr. Mohammad M. Banat, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
Mrs. Haifaa Elayyan, Arab Open University, Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Abstract Intellectualizing internet data becomes much easier when anyone can find basic information about his/her identity straightforwardly upon search. This paper values the information related to academic contributions in this cyberspace, and tries to construct an Online Academic Identity (OAI) structure. The OAI represents the academic persona and the academic contributions that have been added to this cyberspace. The paper also values the influential impact of this OAI and encourages the academic contributions to be compensated digitally using the Bitcoin concept. Academic Rewards Coin (ARC) is a quantification of rewarding the academic contributions by means of a customized mining process based on the bitcoin concept. The paper proposes a system of classifying academic contributions and creating missions to be accomplished and then rewarded amounts of ARC. Mission examples include reviewing a book or submitting a paper to a scientific conference. The ARCs earned upon completing a mission can be used as partial payments for conference registrations or other similar paid services.
Track CSN: Computing Systems and Networks
Conference 1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technologies (ElectriTek 2020)
Congress International Congress on Engineering Technologies (EngiTek 2020), 16-18 June 2020, Irbid, Jordan
Pages 19-27
Topics Knowledge-Based Systems
Management Information Systems
ISSN 2227-331X
BibTeX @inproceedings{1097EngiTek2020,
title={Academic Rewards Coin (ARC) Concept: Mining Academic Contribution Into Bitcoin},
author={Mohammad M. Banat, and Haifaa Elayyan},
booktitle={International Congress on Engineering Technologies (EngiTek 2020)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies} }
Paper Views 283 Paper Views Rank 35/524
Paper Downloads 133 Paper Downloads Rank 22/524
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EngiTek 2020, Irbid
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All 10 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
51.Cnf-17 Mr. Ameer Mubaslat
Mr. Ahmad Al Haj
Prof. Saud Khashan
Simulation assisted leak detection in pressurized systems using machine learning
51.Cnf-1062 Dr. Aqeed M. Chyad
Dr. Osama Abudayyeh
Dr. Maha Alkasisbeh
A Nonlinear Regression-Based Machine Learning Model for Predicting Concrete Bridge Deck Condition
47.Cnf-1071 Dr. Mohammad M. Banat
Mr. Ahmed Al-Shwmi
Detailed Simplified Implementation of Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation Using Sub-Channel Prototype Filters
47.Cnf-1097 Dr. Mohammad M. Banat
Mrs. Haifaa Elayyan
Academic Rewards Coin (ARC) Concept: Mining Academic Contribution Into Bitcoin
47.Cnf-1098 Mr. Chris Matrakidis
Dr. Dimitris Uzunidis
Alexandros Stavdas
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
Analytical modeling of dispersion penalty for NRZ transmission
47.Cnf-1099 Dr. Dimitris Uzunidis
Mr. Chris Matrakidis
Alexandros Stavdas
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
On the Attainable Transparent Length of Multi-Band Optical Systems Employing Rare – Earth Doped Fiber Amplifiers
47.Cnf-1101 Mr. Georgios D. Kolezas
Dr. Grigorios Zouros
Prof. Gerasimos Pagiatakis
Complex Magnetic and Electric Dipolar Resonances of Subwavelength GaAs Prolate Spheroids
51.Cnf-1104 Dr. Rafat Al-Waked
Underground Car Park - Mechanical Ventilation
47.Cnf-1105 Dr. Vladimir Vinnikov
Dr. Ekaterina Pshehotskaya
The partial disclosure of gpsOne file format for assisted GPS service
47.Cnf-1107 Mr. Ugur Ozbek
Dr. Derya Yiltas-Kaplan
Mr. Ahmet Zengin
Ms. Sema Ölmez
Traffic Analysis of a Software Defined Network
EngiTek 2020 Visits: 26429||ElectriTek 2020 Visits: 13279||CSN Track Visits: 120