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Summary Information of Prof. Suhil Kiwan
Name Prof. Suhil Kiwan
Affiliation Jordan University of Science and Technology,
Topics Heat Transfer in Porous Media
Experimental Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
Biography Professor of mechanical engineering at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) and Certified Energy Auditor (CEA-AEE) and trainer. Prof. Kiwan is a certified “Consultant Engineer”, CE-JEA. He had his PhD from Illinois Institute of technology, USA and his undergraduate studies from Yarmouk University in Jordan. Prof. Kiwan worked as a professor of energy engineering and dean of the school of engineering and management of natural resources at German Jordanian University (2013-2015). He directed the energy center at JUST. Prof. Kiwan published many research articles in the field of energy engineering concentrating on renewable energy technologies. He taught many graduate and undergraduate courses in the mechanical and energy engineering at different universities inside and outside Jordan. Prof. Kiwan worked in establishing and directing the energy center at the ministry of energy and mineral resources (1986-1990). He is a co-founder of DESIRTEC University network (DUN), EU-MENA-RISE. Prof. Kiwan worked in many EU funded projects in TEMPUS, Erasmus+, and ENPI programs. Prof Kiwan is a co-founder of master programs on sustainable development and renewable energy at three different universities in Jordan.
User Since Friday, 8 December 2017
User Page Views 140
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.2576
Conference Registration Discount 5.56%
Published Papers of Prof. Suhil Kiwan
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
51.Cnf-1119Prof. Suhil Kiwan
Prof. Munther Kandah
Mr. Ghanem Kandah
Zero Energy Building in Jordan
MechaniTek 202016-18 June 2020 in Irbid, Jordan
Conference Chairings of Prof. Suhil Kiwan
General Chairing
CongressDates and Location
EngiTek 202016-18 June 2020 in Irbid, Jordan
Conference Committees of Prof. Suhil Kiwan
Paper Reviews by Prof. Suhil Kiwan
There are no registered reviews of Prof. Suhil Kiwan
Conference Talks by Prof. Suhil Kiwan