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  • GC-CSC 2011
  • 17.Cnf-211
Papers Published at GC-CSC 2011
All 4 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
17.Cnf-101 Prof. Thamer M. Jamel
Dr. Sabah Obaidi
Mr. Ban M. Al-Juboory
Implementation of Adaptive Neural Equalizer Using FPGA
17.Cnf-202 Dr. Suyeb Khan

Multirate Scheme & Effect of Noise Variance in WCDMA System
17.Cnf-211 Mr. Mohamed Gharba
Dr. Hao Lin
Dr. Pierre Siohan
Time offsetted FBMC/OQAM transmission system: A theoretical analysis
17.Cnf-214 Mr. Hazhir Ghasemnezhad
Prof. Mohammad Javad Dehghani
Dr. Mahmoud Rashidpour
PAPR Reduction by Using New Clipping Technique and Modified Iterative Reconstruction
17.Cnf-211 Paper View Page
Title Time offsetted FBMC/OQAM transmission system: A theoretical analysis
Authors Mr. Mohamed Gharba, France Télécom, Cesson-Sévigné, France
Dr. Hao Lin, France Télécom, Cesson-Sévigné, France
Dr. Pierre Siohan, France Télécom, Cesson-Sévigné, France
Abstract This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the latest results in the field of non-perfect time-synchronization for Filter Bank Multi Carrier (FBMC) systems using an Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (FBMC/OQAM). In our work, we analyze the interference caused by timing offsets for the FBMC/OQAM transmission model. A part of our study, is to simplify the resulting equations in order to provide a clear view on the impact of timing offset on the system performance. We derive the interference power in a very simple expression containing both inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI), with which an exact signal to interference ratio (SIR) expression is presented. The numerical simulations are further carried out using different prototype filters for FBMC/OQAM to confirm the correctness of our analysis. In the case of an orthogonal prototype filter, we show that we exactly recover a previously published result that, up to now, has been unnoticed.
Track SISP: Signal, Image and Speech Processing
Conference 4th Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Signals and Coding (MIC-CSC 2011)
Congress 2011 Global Congress on Communications, Signals and Coding (GC-CSC 2011), 7-9 October 2011, Amman, Jordan
Pages 12-16
Topics Signal Processing for Communications
Filter Banks
ISSN 2227-331X
BibTeX @inproceedings{211CSC2011,
title={Time offsetted FBMC/OQAM transmission system: A theoretical analysis},
author={Mohamed Gharba, and Hao Lin, and Pierre Siohan},
booktitle={2011 Global Congress on Communications, Signals and Coding (GC-CSC 2011)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies} }
Paper Views 206 Paper Views Rank 163/524
Paper Downloads 94 Paper Downloads Rank 355/524
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All 4 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
17.Cnf-101 Prof. Thamer M. Jamel
Dr. Sabah Obaidi
Mr. Ban M. Al-Juboory
Implementation of Adaptive Neural Equalizer Using FPGA
17.Cnf-202 Dr. Suyeb Khan

Multirate Scheme & Effect of Noise Variance in WCDMA System
17.Cnf-211 Mr. Mohamed Gharba
Dr. Hao Lin
Dr. Pierre Siohan
Time offsetted FBMC/OQAM transmission system: A theoretical analysis
17.Cnf-214 Mr. Hazhir Ghasemnezhad
Prof. Mohammad Javad Dehghani
Dr. Mahmoud Rashidpour
PAPR Reduction by Using New Clipping Technique and Modified Iterative Reconstruction
GC-CSC 2011 Visits: 7154||MIC-CSC 2011 Visits: 5819||SISP Track Visits: 299