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Update on 12 May 2024: Prof. Ahmad Harb becomes Conference Chairperson of MIC-Power 2024.
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Event Submission Form

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Event Type

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Special Session
A collection of papers, sharing a few common topics in an important new research area. Session topics should be within the main scope of the congress. The organizer of the special session is responsible for distributing calls for papers and collecting paper submissions. For the special session to be actually held, 12+ full paper submissions should be received, 6+ of which should be accepted and registered.
Special Session Title (20-500 characters)
Please enter 20-500 characters as your special session title.
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Special Session Summary (100-2000 characters) - Include motivation
Please enter 100-2000 characters as your special session summary.
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As an organizer of this Special Session, I plan to attend GC-MCWC 2011. I will take care of funding for

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