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GC-CNIT 2010
2010 Global Congress on Communications, Networking and Information Technology
3-5 December 2010, Amman, Jordan

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* Author names (initials are OK only for middle names, and not for first and family names)
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  • Rules
  • Registration Form
GC-CNIT 2010 Registration Rules
Regular Registration (up to two papers) €400
Regular Registration (over two papers) €100/Paper
Student Registration (up to two papers) €200
Student Registration (over two papers) €50/Paper
Non-author Registration €100
All Registrations After Registration Deadline Add 25%

Above amounts are clean payments. All money transfer fees and commissions are to be paid by registrants.

Registration fees are per person. Reigstrants are welcome to all congress sessions, and they receive the following:

  • congress kits,
  • pass for congress dinner.

In all paper registrations, the discount percentage of registering author applies.

GC-CNIT 2010 Registration Form
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GC-CNIT 2010 Visits: 9251