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  • GC-CSP 2011
  • 20.Cnf-56
CSP Congresses with Published Papers
GC-CSP 2011, Dubai
GC-CSP 2012, Barcelona
Papers Published at GC-CSP 2011
All 6 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
20.Cnf-9 Dr. Yahia Kourd
Prof. Noureddine Guersi
Prof. Dimitri Lefebvre
A two stages diagnosis method with fuzzy logic and neuronal networks
20.Cnf-56 Mr. Brahim Metidji
Mr. Nabil Taib
Prof. Toufik Rekioua
A simple robust method to reduce torque ripple in induction motor DTC drives using matrix converters
20.Cnf-65 Mr. Saifur R. Sabuj
Mr. Anisur Rahman
Mr. Obaidul Hoque
Mr. Bazlur Rahman
Mr. Ifteder U. Mahmud
Design of automatic power transfer and load dump controller
20.Cnf-66 Ms. Uzma Siddique
Mr. Laeeq Ahmed
Prof. Habibullah Jamal
Performance analysis of 2D pilot-assisted channel estimation for OFDM communication systems
20.Cnf-67 Ms. Uzma Siddique
Mr. Laeeq Ahmed
Prof. Habibullah Jamal
Scattered spectrum sensing (SSS) in cognitive radio adhoc networks

GS Citations

Mr. Lotfi Bendaouia
Mr. Fayçal Ykhlef
Mrs. Wahiba Benzaba
Mr. Oussama Kerdjidj
Mr. Hamid Meraoubi
Prof. Omar Zemirli
Dr. Hassen Daoud
Dr. Si Mahmoud Karabernou
Dr. Lounis Kessal
Dr. Hassen Salhi
Fast DWT based FPGA implementation for medical application
20.Cnf-56 Paper Download Page
This paper has been Published at GC-CSP 2011, held in the period 2-4 April 2011 in Dubai, UAE.
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All 6 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
20.Cnf-9 Dr. Yahia Kourd
Prof. Noureddine Guersi
Prof. Dimitri Lefebvre
A two stages diagnosis method with fuzzy logic and neuronal networks
20.Cnf-56 Mr. Brahim Metidji
Mr. Nabil Taib
Prof. Toufik Rekioua
A simple robust method to reduce torque ripple in induction motor DTC drives using matrix converters
20.Cnf-65 Mr. Saifur R. Sabuj
Mr. Anisur Rahman
Mr. Obaidul Hoque
Mr. Bazlur Rahman
Mr. Ifteder U. Mahmud
Design of automatic power transfer and load dump controller
20.Cnf-66 Ms. Uzma Siddique
Mr. Laeeq Ahmed
Prof. Habibullah Jamal
Performance analysis of 2D pilot-assisted channel estimation for OFDM communication systems
20.Cnf-67 Ms. Uzma Siddique
Mr. Laeeq Ahmed
Prof. Habibullah Jamal
Scattered spectrum sensing (SSS) in cognitive radio adhoc networks

GS Citations

Mr. Lotfi Bendaouia
Mr. Fayçal Ykhlef
Mrs. Wahiba Benzaba
Mr. Oussama Kerdjidj
Mr. Hamid Meraoubi
Prof. Omar Zemirli
Dr. Hassen Daoud
Dr. Si Mahmoud Karabernou
Dr. Lounis Kessal
Dr. Hassen Salhi
Fast DWT based FPGA implementation for medical application
GC-CSP 2011 Visits: 10757||MIC-CSP 2011 Visits: 9290||SPA Track Visits: 425