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Summary Information of Prof. Joel Rodrigues
Name Prof. Joel Rodrigues
Affiliation Instituto de Telecomunicações,
Biography Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues (S’01 - M’06 - SM’06), is a Professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, and a Researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal. He received a five-year B.S. degree (licentiate) in Informatics Engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal and the M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree in Informatics Engineering from the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. His main research interests include e-Health, e-Learning, delay-tolerant networks, sensor networks, high-speed networks, and mobile and ubiquitous computing. He is the leader of the NetGNA Research Group ( and the founder and leader of the IEEE ComSoc CSIM Special Interest Group on modeling and simulation tools ( He is the Vice-Chair of the IEEE ComSoc TC on eHealth and the Vice-Chair of the IEEE ComSoc TC on Communications Software. He has coauthored over 200 technical papers in refereed international journals and conferences, book chapters, a book, and two patents. Joel is the Member Representative of the IEEE Communications Society in the IEEE Biometrics Council. He is the editor-in-chief of the Int. Journal on E-Health and Medical Communications (IGI-Global) and the editor-in-chief of the Recent Patent on Telecommunications (Bentham Science). He served several Special Issues as a Guest Editor (IEEE Trans. Multimedia, Elsevier JNCA, IET Communications, JCM, etc.). He has served as General Chair, TPC Chair, and symposium Chair for many international conferences, including IEEE ICC/GLOBECOMs, CAMAD, MAN, ITST, ICNC, SoftCOM, among others. He participated in tens of international TPCs and several editorial review boards (IEEE Communications Magazine, Wiley ETT, Wiley IJCS, etc.). He is a licensed professional engineer (as a senior member), and he is a member of the Internet Society, an IARIA fellow, and a senior member of the ACM and IEEE.
User Since Tuesday, 10 January 2012
User Page Views 96
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.27
Conference Registration Discount 5.82%
Published Papers of Prof. Joel Rodrigues
Conference Chairings of Prof. Joel Rodrigues
Track Chairing
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Mobile Computing and Applications (MCA)MIC-MCWC 201314-16 June 2013 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Committees of Prof. Joel Rodrigues
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
Paper Reviews by Prof. Joel Rodrigues
There are no registered reviews of Prof. Joel Rodrigues
Conference Talks by Prof. Joel Rodrigues