Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Wireless Sensor Networks Internet of Things
Dr. Sandra Sendra (sansenco@upv.es) received her degree of Technical Engineering in Telecommunications in 2007. She received her M.Sc. of Electronic Systems Engineering in 2009 and her Ph.D. in electronic engineering (Dr. Ing.) in 2013. Currently, she is associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). Additionally, she is the academic chief of the Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Technologies at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She is Cisco Certified Network Associate Instructor since 2009 and HP-ATA instructor since 2015. She is vocal inside the IEEE Spain Section for the term 2020-2021, member of the Membership Development group for the term 2018-2019 and active member inside the IEEE WIE Spain for the term 2016-2018. She has authored 6 book chapters and 2 books. She has more than 140 research papers published in national and international conferences, international journals (more than 50 with JCR – Impact index Clarivate Analytics). She has been the co-editor of 10 conference proceedings and guest editor of several international journals. She is guest editor in several SI in International Journals related to underwater communications, sensors and actuator networks (Sensors and Applied Science by MDPI and International Journal ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications (MONET) by ACM/Springer).She has been associate editor in 6 international journals: “Network Protocols and Algorithms”, “International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems”, “International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services”, “International Journal On Advances in Telecommunications”, “Designs”, “Signals” She has been involved in more than 120 Program committees of international conferences, and more than 50 organization and steering committees. She has been involved in 18 research projects related to the development of a WSN for environmental monitoring. She has been the general chair (or co-chair) of 4 International conferences.
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Sunday, 3 June 2012
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Published Papers of Prof. Sandra Sendra
Conference Chairings of Prof. Sandra Sendra
Conference Chairing
Dates and Location
1st Mosharaka International Conference on Emerging Applications of Electrical Engineering (MIC-ElectricApps 2020)
4-6 September 2020 in Valencia, Spain
1st Mosharaka International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Applications (MIC-Electronics 2021)