Hardware Architectures for Sensor Networks Artificial Intelligence Tools for Sensor Networks Sensor Network Protocols Information Fusion Methods and Architectures Sensor Network Platforms and Developments Tools
•July 2009: Master Degree in New technologies of computer systems dedicated at National School of Engineering, Sfax-tunisia.
•June 2007: National Engineering Diploma in computer science and Electric engineering at National School of Engineering, Sfax-tunisia.
•January 2004: Senior technician diploma in industrial computer science at Higher Institute of Technological.
•June 2001: Technical baccalaureate Diploma
•Programmable Logic: Altium technology, Altera (STRATIX I, STRATIX II, Cyclone), Xilinx.
•Applications/tools: SoPC, Xilinx ISE/EDK, Altera Quartus II/SoPC Builder/NIOS II IDE, Mentor Modelsim, VHDL.
•Simulation with ModelSim software.
•Preparation of printed circuit board.
•Eagle layout and routing software.
•Simulation with ISIS Proteus
•Microcontrollers Programming (Midd-Range) 16F7x.
•Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat), windows, Dos.
•Programming languages: PHP, ASP, C/C++, PIC Assembler programming (Midd-Range) 16F7x, C++ for Nios-II programming, VHDL, visual Basic, Pascal, Ms Word & Excel macros, Access Basic.
•Databases: Access, MySQL Server, SQL.
•Modeling: UML, Merise, Rational Rose.
Arabic: native speaker.
French: spoken and written.
English: spoken and written.