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Summary Information of Mr. Helmi Ahmed
Name Mr. Helmi Ahmed
Affiliation University of Sfax,
Topics Hardware Architectures for Sensor Networks
Artificial Intelligence Tools for Sensor Networks
Sensor Network Protocols
Information Fusion Methods and Architectures
Sensor Network Platforms and Developments Tools
Biography EDUCATION: •July 2009: Master Degree in New technologies of computer systems dedicated at National School of Engineering, Sfax-tunisia. •June 2007: National Engineering Diploma in computer science and Electric engineering at National School of Engineering, Sfax-tunisia. •January 2004: Senior technician diploma in industrial computer science at Higher Institute of Technological. •June 2001: Technical baccalaureate Diploma SKILLS: Micro-ELECTRONIC: •Programmable Logic: Altium technology, Altera (STRATIX I, STRATIX II, Cyclone), Xilinx. •Applications/tools: SoPC, Xilinx ISE/EDK, Altera Quartus II/SoPC Builder/NIOS II IDE, Mentor Modelsim, VHDL. •Simulation with ModelSim software. ELECTRONIC: •Preparation of printed circuit board. •Eagle layout and routing software. •Simulation with ISIS Proteus •Microcontrollers Programming (Midd-Range) 16F7x. COMPUTER: •Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat), windows, Dos. •Programming languages: PHP, ASP, C/C++, PIC Assembler programming (Midd-Range) 16F7x, C++ for Nios-II programming, VHDL, visual Basic, Pascal, Ms Word & Excel macros, Access Basic. •Databases: Access, MySQL Server, SQL. •Modeling: UML, Merise, Rational Rose. LANGUAGES: Arabic: native speaker. French: spoken and written. English: spoken and written.
User Since Wednesday, 8 August 2012
User Page Views 126
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0
Conference Registration Discount 0%
Published Papers of Mr. Helmi Ahmed
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
34.Cnf-447Mr. Helmi Ahmed
Prof. Mohamed Massmoudi
intensive Computing in advanced wireless sensor node: potential solution
MIC-CCA 201212-14 October 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Chairings of Mr. Helmi Ahmed
Conference Committees of Mr. Helmi Ahmed
Paper Reviews by Mr. Helmi Ahmed
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Conference Talks by Mr. Helmi Ahmed