Graduated in Data Processing Technology, University Center of the State of Para (1998); undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Federal University of Para (2003), Master (2005) and PhD (2012) of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Para. He is currently an Adjunct Professor, Full-Time and experience for over 10 years of teaching; coordinator and researcher at the Natural Computation Laboratory, University Center of the State of Para has experience in Computer Science with emphasis in Natural Computation and Theoretical Computer Science, working mainly on the following topics: Evolutionary Computation, Swarm Intelligence (Particle Swarm, Ant Colony, Artificial Immune Systems), Game Theory, in order to build new meta-heuristic search and Hyper-heuristics. Through the use of knowledge in Theoretical Computer Science, has been building some computational tools. With the experience gained in the academic field proposed the creation of the MEC²A - Evolutionary and Cooperative Movement for the Construction of Artificial, headquartered in Belem, PA, Brazil, where he is Founding Partner, and has been working on developing research in Natural Computation, since 2004. It is associated with ACM - Association of Computer Machinery, under number 7924961 and also the SIGEVO - Special Interested Group for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, under number 0744114. In addition, a researcher of the Laboratory Virtual of Asymmetric Cryptographic Techniques (ASTECA), which comprises the National Network of Information Security and Cryptography (RENASIC) established by the Institutional Security Cabinet of the Presidency of Republic of Brazil.