Fabio Salice is an associate professor in the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) of Politecnico di Milano. Currently, his research interests are mainly focused on ICT Assistive Technologies for fragile people (in particular for elderly and low cognitive disabilities); other research topics are design and synthesis methodologies of dependable systems, fault identification and fault injection methodologies and criteria, pervasive systems design and method including issues concerning low power, power management and energy harvesting. In 2010 Fabio founded the interdisciplinary ATGroup – in Como Campus – structuring a set of collaborations with both the third sector associations and private and public organization (ASL, hospitals, residences, …). Furthermore, in 2012, Fabio founded with So.La.Re. (Social Lario Rete) the CRAiS Center (Centro Risorse per le Autonomie e l’Inclusione Sociale); CRAiS aims at supporting individuals, families and contexts in fragile condition and social vulnerability. He has published more than 100 papers on international journals, books, and congress proceedings. He received the best paper awards during IEEE IJCNN’92, IEEE ICONIP’95, IEEE ICCD’98 and the Outstanding Achievement Award from CISCO Systems in 2010. He received his Dr.Eng in electronic engineering and his PhD in Electronic and Communication, both from the Politecnico di Milano; in 1992 he was a visiting scholar at the Stanford University. He is a member of IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society.