Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
Nano Fabrication Nano-Photonics
Yahia Makableh has earned his B.Sc degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Jordan, Jordan, in January 2009. He earned the M.Sc degree in applied engineering from Georgia Southern University, in May 2011. He has a master’s thesis entitled “efficient control of DC servomotor systems using back propagation neural networks”. He published a paper in the Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations Journal entitled “intelligent cruise control using an efficient proportional integral derivative model neural network,” in 2012. He earned his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Arkansas in 2015. He worked under the supervision of Prof. O. Manasreh. His research was focused on investigating InAs quantum dots solar cells and device fabrication and characterization using current-voltage, photoresponse and quantum efficiency measurements. Additionally, he is working on plasmonic effect on photovoltaic devices and he works on surface modification using anti reflection coating and hydrophobicity. He has published several papers in technical journals such as APL, SOLMAT and others. He was the president of the material research society local chapter at the University of Arkansas. He was a research scientist at King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB). His rule was to investigate composite Nanomaterials for high strength and light weight structures that can be used for special operation unmanned systems and in body armor application. Currently he is an assistant professor at the Nanotechnology Institute at Jordan University of Science and Technology working on novel materials and structures for high performance solar cells and photo detectors, Optical Nanomaterials, and Noninvasive drug delivery systems.