Pavement Engineering Sustainability Issues in Transportation
Prof.Mohamed M H Mostafa's main area of expertise lies in the field of civil engineering with interest in sustainable roads and transportation. I am very interested in applications related to environmental aspects and characterisation of flexible pavement materials, with special reference to bituminous materials. Environmental aspects research includes incorporation of recycled and/or waste materials in civil engineering applications with special interest in pavement. Bituminous materials work is divided into bituminous binders and binder-aggregate mixtures. In the binder characterisation area, expertise has been gained in the use of Rheology to depict binder behaviour over a range of temperatures and applied loading conditions. Binder aggregate mixture work has focused on the use of fundamental techniques to study the two main distress modes of bituminous materials, namely permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. The running research project is titled "sustainable roads". It is subdivided into: Non conventional materials in pavement; pavement managment systems; life cycle assessment of roads; and smart roads.