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Summary Information of Dr. Abdel Karim Al Tamimi
Name Dr. Abdel Karim Al Tamimi
Affiliation Yarmouk University,
Topics Video Traffic Modeling
Multimedia Streaming and Delivery
Biography received my M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from Washington University inSt. Louis under the advisement of Professor Raj Jain in 2007 and 2010, respectively. I joined Yarmouk University academic staff in 2010 . I am currently an associate professor of Computer Engineering and the director of the Academic Entrepreneurship Center of Excellence (AECE).My research interests include multimedia networking and applications, AI, data modeling and simulation, computer security and Internet of things (IoT). I have been recognized as one of the most cited researchers in Jordan with more than 1350 citations and 40 publications. Additionally, I have co-founded Orange-Yarmouk Innovation Lab (OYIL), and Research and Industry (RnI) incubator.I have been funded from several national and international grants, and I am currently managing two European-funded projects under HOPES-MADAD program to transfer higher education knowledge to Syrian refugees and local communities. I am also an active member of both Open Source Software Communities (OSSCOM) and OpenMed European-funded projects
User Since Thursday, 2 August 2018
User Page Views 142
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.13
Conference Registration Discount 2.85%
Published Papers of Dr. Abdel Karim Al Tamimi
Conference Chairings of Dr. Abdel Karim Al Tamimi
Conference Committees of Dr. Abdel Karim Al Tamimi
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Multimedia Communication Systems and Networks (MCSN)MIC-Telecom 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Paper Reviews by Dr. Abdel Karim Al Tamimi
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Conference Talks by Dr. Abdel Karim Al Tamimi