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MIC-Signals 2025 will be held in Irbid
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Summary Information of Dr. Abdollah Doosti-Aref
Name Dr. Abdollah Doosti-Aref
Affiliation Sharif University of Technology,
Topics Optimization Techniques
Machine Learning
Underwater Acoustic Communications
Index Modulation
OTFS and Beyond
Biography I hold BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in Telecommunication Systems Engineering, all with honors. My research specializes in addressing the challenges of wireless communication across space, non-terrestrial, terrestrial, and underwater channels using electromagnetic and acoustic carriers. In 2017, I was recognized as a distinguished PhD graduate by Iran’s National Elites Foundation (INEF), which led to my role as a researcher at Joobeen Science-based Company, where I developed embedded communication systems for three years. In 2021, my research proposal received awards from INEF and the Iranian National Science Foundation, which enabled me to join Sharif University of Technology’s School of Electrical Engineering, where I focused on resource allocation research. In 2022, I was a visiting researcher at Istanbul Medipol University’s CoSiNC Lab, where I researched new waveform domains and index modulation schemes for 6G wireless networks. Since 2015, my research has covered advanced waveform domains, such as time-frequency, delay-Doppler (DD), delay-sequency (DS), and delay-scale (DSc), including OFDM, OCDM, OSDM, OTFS, OTSM, ODSS, AFDM, ODDM, and FM-OFDM. Recently, I have focused on 6G and beyond wireless networks, with expertise in: 1. Waveform Design and Modulation Schemes: Enhancing energy efficiency, spectral efficiency, and mobility through: 1.1. Variants of OFDM for low mobility and FM-OFDM for high mobility in narrow-band scenarios. 1.2. AFDM, ODDM, FM-OFDM, and OTFS for doubly spread channels at various mobility levels. 1.3 Single-carrier OTSM for green communications in narrow-band contexts. 1.4. ODSS for wideband/ultra-wideband doubly spread channels. 2. Integrated Sensing, Communication, and Wireless Power Transfer (ISCAP): Harnessing machine learning (ML)-based frameworks to advance waveform design in DD, DS, and DSc domains. 3. Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC): Developing ML-based channel modeling and ML-based resource allocation in vehicular networks. 4. Green Communication Networks: Designing sustainable systems for energy-efficient communication. 5. Massive MIMO and Hardware Impairments: Addressing challenges at mmWave and higher frequency bands, focusing on performance degradation due to hardware imperfections. 6. Internet of Underwater Things (IoT) Networks: Developing ISCAP frameworks for underwater IoT.
User Since Thursday, 6 December 2018
User Page Views 194
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.225
Conference Registration Discount 4.88%
Published Papers of Dr. Abdollah Doosti-Aref
Conference Chairings of Dr. Abdollah Doosti-Aref
Track Chairing
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Workshop on AI-Enabled Internet of Underwater Things (AI-IoUT)MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
Conference Committees of Dr. Abdollah Doosti-Aref
Steering Committees
Program Committees
CongressDates and Location
GC-NetCom 202520-22 June 2025 (Hybrid Mode) in Istanbul, Turkey
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Future Communication Systems (FComm)MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
Paper Reviews by Dr. Abdollah Doosti-Aref
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Dr. Abdollah Doosti-Aref has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
MLSPMIC-Signals 2021
Conference Talks by Dr. Abdollah Doosti-Aref