Miran is Lecturer of Department of Computer Science, University of Sulaimani. He received Ph.D.degree in Telecommunication Engineering at Polytechnic University of Valencia and MSC in University of Sulaimani. He revised many papers as a reviewer and voluntary sessions chairs in many international conferences. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE Comsoc, ACM, and European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), since 2016. He also is a member of the Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute - Spain. Moreover, He has published multiple articles in international conferences and multiple articles in international journals. Miran does research in Telecommunications Network Engineering, Software Engineering, IoT, adaptive Multimedia stream, and Algorithms.
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Friday, 18 January 2019
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Published Papers of Dr. Miran Taha
Conference Chairings of Dr. Miran Taha
Conference Chairing
Dates and Location
1st Mosharaka International Conference on Emerging Applications of Electrical Engineering (MIC-ElectricApps 2020)