Signal Processing for Communications Mixed Signal Processing
Zoubir Hamici (S’95-M’96-SM’09) was born in Barika, Algeria in 1967. He received the Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Control from the University of Annaba, Algeria in 1991, the D.E.A. (Master) degree from Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL) in Automation and Signal Processing in 1992, Nancy, France. In 1996 he received the Ph.D. degree from the University of
Claude Bernard, Lyon I, France. His research interests are in digital signal processing, communication protocols, intelligent control, power electronics,pattern recognition and image processing. He is particularly interested in signal processing applied to wireless communication, wireless sensor networks and induction motors real-time control.
Dr. Hamici is the principal investigator in the Communication and Embedded Signal Processing Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan.