Flexible AC Transmission Systems Environment-Friendly Power Generation Technologies
Dr. Majid S. M. Al – Hafidh
Address: Electrical Engineering Department, University of Mosul, Mosul / IRAQ.
Date of Birth: 1.7.1953
Research Interests
The field of Power System Analysis (Operation and Planning).
Renewable energies (hydropower, Solar Power, Wind power . . . etc).
Applications of intelligent programming in power system analysis.
Flexible A C Transmission System (FACTS).
2006 Ph.D. Power and Machines, University of Mosul / IRAQ.
1979 M.Sc. Power and Machines, University of Mosul / IRAQ.
1977 Post Graduate Diploma Power and Machines, University of Mosul / IRAQ.
1976 B.Sc, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department. University of Mosul.
Academic Degree:
1- Assistant Lecturer: 1983.
2- Lecturer: 1988.
3- Assistant Professor: 2001.
Professional Experience:
Aug. 1979- Feb.1983: Electrical Engineering Department, University of Technology.
He was joined Electrical Engineering Department, University of Mosul in 1983, until now.
One month training in Guelph University, Canada, 2013.
Post graduate supervision:
One PhD Project.
Three M.Sc. Project.
One Post Graduate Diploma
Under Supervision
One PhD Project
Two M.Sc. Project.
Refereed Articles
More than 50 papers in journals and conferences.