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Update on 5 July 2021: Dr. Fares Al-Shargie becomes Track Chairperson of SISP@ElectriTek 2022.
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Summary Information of Dr. Ghalib Shah
Name Dr. Ghalib Shah
Affiliation Center for Advanced Research in Engineering,
Biography Dr. Ghalib A. Shah obtained his PhD degree in computer engineering from Middle East Technical University in 2006. He carried research in the area of wireless sensor networks for PhD dissertation. He joined college of E & ME, national university of Science and Technology in 2007 and remained there till August 2010. Later he joined center for advanced research in engineering and leading various research projects that includes multi-interface wireless mesh networks and Software defined radios based networks. He continued to work in wireless sensor networks and supervised postgraduate and PhD students. He is also a reviewer of many journals and TPC members of international conferences.
User Since Friday, 29 October 2010
User Page Views 209
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0
Conference Registration Discount 0%
Published Papers of Dr. Ghalib Shah
Conference Chairings of Dr. Ghalib Shah
Conference Committees of Dr. Ghalib Shah
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Communication Circuits and Sub-Systems (CCS)MIC-CPE 20114-6 February 2011 in Amman, Jordan
Paper Reviews by Dr. Ghalib Shah
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Conference Talks by Dr. Ghalib Shah