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Summary Information of Prof. Jagannadha Rao Kodukula
Name Prof. Jagannadha Rao Kodukula
Affiliation Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology,
Topics Sustainable Materials
Industrial Waste Materials
Biography Dr Rao is currently working as a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad with a total experience of 28 years. He has guided over 30 BE Projects, 25 ME Projects and published over 30 journal articles and over 50 International/National conference papers. One student of Dr Rao was awarded Ph D and another student submitted his Ph D thesis. He is currently guiding eight Ph D Scholars and his research areas include Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Non-corrosive Reinforcement (GFRP bars), Recycled Aggregate Concrete, Self Compacting Concrete, High Strength & High performance Concrete and Geopolymer Concrete. He has completed a minor research project on “Strength and Durability Studies on High Strength Recycled Aggregate Concrete” sponsored by UGC during 2015-2017.

He is a peer reviewer for reputed Journals like Construction and Building Materials (ELSEVIER), International Journal of Civil Engineering (INCE) (Springer), Case Studies in Construction Materials (ELSEVIER), KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (ELSEVIER), International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (Scopus Indexed), etc.

Dr Rao has actively involved in various National and International conferences/workshops as a member of organizing/Technical committee and chaired technical sessions in many conferences. He received best presenter award for his paper on “Bond Strength of HYSD Bars and SCC with and without Recycled Aggregate-An Experimental Study” in the international conference “CONCET2018” held at University of Malaya, KL, Malaysia during 7-10 August, 2018. He has also delivered invited talks/guest lectures in govt organizations and private Institutions. He also served as an expert member in prestigious committees (AP Public Service Commission, DNV-ISO, JNT University, etc.). He is also an evaluator for AICTE Proposals under AQIS (TEQIP).

Dr Rao authored a text book on “Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering” published by M/s S K Kataria and Sons, released in January 2019. He also edited proceedings of International and National Conferences and reviewed seven chapters of the text book “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” by S K Duggal, Tata Mc Grawhill. He is currently revising the text book on “RCC Designs” by B.C.Punmia (Lakshmi Publications) and a couple of books are in pipeline. He is a life member of Indian Concrete Institute, ICFRC, ISTE and Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India).

User Since Saturday, 7 September 2019
User Page Views 199
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.11
Conference Registration Discount 2.41%
Published Papers of Prof. Jagannadha Rao Kodukula
Conference Chairings of Prof. Jagannadha Rao Kodukula
Conference Committees of Prof. Jagannadha Rao Kodukula
Paper Reviews by Prof. Jagannadha Rao Kodukula
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Prof. Jagannadha Rao Kodukula has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
MDMMechaniTek 2020
Conference Talks by Prof. Jagannadha Rao Kodukula