Summary Information of Prof. Waclaw Gudowski |
Name |
Prof. Waclaw Gudowski |
Affiliation |
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden |
Topics |
Power System Safety and Maintenance Power System Operation |
Biography |
Professor in Neutron and Reactor Physics at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) - The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
Professor in Reactor Physics at the Natinal Center of Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Swierk, Poland
Member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences – IVA
Member of the Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences (EMAAS)
Till 2006 - Director of the Nuclear Energy Technology Centre (CEKERT) at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
2006-2011 Deputy Executive Director, International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), Moscow
Formal degrees:
MSc in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Nuclear Technology at the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow (AGH)
PhD in 1983 at the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow (AGH) based on the work done on design of the fast pulsed research reactor IBR-2 Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, (then Soviet Union, now Russia). This reactor is still in operation and serves well neutron scattering communities.
Habilitation and Docent degree at the Royal Institute of Technology – KTH in Stockholm in 1990
Professorship in Neutron and Reactor Physics at the Royal Institute of Technology – KTH in Stockholm in 2000.
One of the European pioneers of research in accelerator driven transmutation of nuclear waste, or so called Accelerator Driven Systems - ADS.
From 1996 to1999 coordinated the first European research project on ADS - Impact of the Accelerator Based Technologies on Nuclear Fission Safety (IABAT) with 10 research institutes from 6 European countries. This project has grown and branched into eight different ADS-related projects in the 5th FrameWork Programme (FP) of the European Community. In the 6th FP - one of the architectures of one the big European Integrated Project - IP Eurotrans. Facilitating technology and knowledge transfer to European projects like MegaPIE at PSI and Myrrha at SCK-CEN in Mol.
Till 2006 Coordinator of the European project “Impact of Transmutation and Reduction of Waste on Geological Waste Repository – RED-IMPACT “ with 23 different partners representing 11 European countries. A very specific feature of this project is that partners of the RED-IMPAT project came from 3 different communities: research institutes, universities and waste management agencies/companies.
In 2005 started and coordinated a European project in an education area: “EU-China Campus for Energy and Environment”. Partners of this successfully developing project are Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm, Tsinghua University in Beijing, Politecnico di Torino and Harbin Engineering University.
In early 2000s conducted research projects on High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors with focus on deep/burnup concepts and on modularity of HTGRs.
In 1995-97 Gudowski in cooperation with IPPE (Obninsk) was very much involved in commercialization of heavy metal coolant technology (Pb-Bi and Pb coolants). The project he designed and executed in copperation with Russian partners opened the way for high-power spallation technology and for GenIV heavy metal cooled reactors.
Co-organiser and chairman of the International Workshop on Physics of Accelerator-driven Systems for Nuclear Waste Transmutation and Clean Energy Production, ECT-Trento, September 29-30, 1997 which became a start shot for the civilian heavy metal coolant research in Europe and worldwide.
In 1997 – associated fellow of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and a foreign expert for the Department of Energy (DOE)in transmutation research.
An active member of the the European Technical Working Group, chaired by the Nobel Prize winner prof. C. Rubbia and co-author of “A European Roadmap for Developing Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) for Nuclear Waste Incineration,” 2001.
In 2003 and 2005 an international expert of the French Parliament for public hearing on nuclear power and nuclear waste.
From November 2006 to May 2011 on leave from the Royal Institute of Technology for an assignment as a Deputy Executive Director (DED) of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) in Moscow representing the European Union and being responsible for 50 M$ research project program in nuclear and related technologes. Strongly promoting and co-funding - in the frame of ISCT activities - cooperation of Russian scientific istitutes and teams with CERN, FAIR and other international big projects including advanced laser physics projects like PETAL, MegaJoule and ELI.
From mid-2011 Program Director of the KTHs Master Program in Nuclear Energy Technology which he designed and established at KTH in 2005-2006 before his term at the International Science and Technology Center in Moscow. Co-organizer and an active participant of the European Master in Nuclear Energy (EMINE) in the frame of KIC-Innoenergy master programs. EMINE master program was assesed in 2014 and 2017 as the best KIC-InnoEnergy master program, KTH’s Master in Nuclear |
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Thursday, 2 January 2020 |
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