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Summary Information of Mr. Mayank Mohan Sharma
Name Mr. Mayank Mohan Sharma
Affiliation Zillow Inc.,
San Francisco, CA,
Topics Machine Learning
Computational Intelligence
Biography Mayank Mohan Sharma, has more than 12 years of experience working in high tech research field (mainly in nanotechnology, embedded systems, mobile applications and software development). During these years he has also worked at technology startups and leading software technology companies. He is currently working as Principal Software Test at Zillow Inc., located in San Francisco, California, USA. He has an undergraduate engineering degree in computer science and engineering. He has won many awards for his outstanding contributions and got accolades from several renowned and known industry leaders. He is published author of two books; one on software testing in agile environments (which is best seller in agile methodology related books), and the other on crowd sourced testing management. He also has two patents pending in application of machine learning in test automation & test designing. His areas of interests are machine learning, artificial intelligence, software testing and software development
User Since Thursday, 13 February 2020
User Page Views 180
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.14
Conference Registration Discount 3.06%
Published Papers of Mr. Mayank Mohan Sharma
Conference Chairings of Mr. Mayank Mohan Sharma
Conference Committees of Mr. Mayank Mohan Sharma
Paper Reviews by Mr. Mayank Mohan Sharma
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Mr. Mayank Mohan Sharma has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
MDMMechaniTek 2026
MVSTMIC-Smart 2021
SPTTMIC-Signals 2021
Conference Talks by Mr. Mayank Mohan Sharma