Passive Microwave Components and Circuits Microwave Engineering
John Sharp received BSc (Hons), MSc, and PhD degrees from Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, in 1975,1983 and 2004 respectively.
He is Professor Emeritus of Microwave Engineering in School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier University.
Over the last thirty-five years he has developed courses and projects in microwave and radio frequency engineering for undergraduates and post graduates. These courses have been delivered both in academic and industrial settings and have included: Electromagnetic Field Theory, Communication Engineering, Satellite Systems, and Microwave and Optical Engineering. A practical ability to make microwave components work, has lead to a number of consultancies with local industry. He has had consultancies and has undertaken several industrial, DTI, MOD, EPSRC and TSB funded projects with many major communication and microwave companies including GEC Marconi Avionics, BAE Systems, Motorola, RACAL-MESL, Hewlett-Packard and AXON Cables Ltd. His particular specialisation is in non-reciprocal devices, with special attention to waveguide junction circulators.
He has served on committees of Institution of Electrical Engineers (E12 Microwave Devices and Techniques and S8 Electromagnetics) and is a reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEE Proceedings Part H, Microwave Antennas and Propagation, and Electronic Letters. He is also a pre-publication reviewer of specialist texts for several publishers.
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Electromagnetics, Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation (Electromagnetics)