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Update on 24 September 2020: Paper 18.Cnf-26@MIC-CNIT 2010 reaches 708 views.
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Summary Information of Prof. Khoa Do
Name Prof. Khoa Do
Affiliation Curtin University Australia,
Topics Pedagogy in Visual Communication
Visual Aesthetics
Biography Khoa Do is an Associate Professor of Architecture at Curtin University. His research focuses on designing and developing interdisciplinary Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SOTL) models. Professor Do is a trained Australian Architect with more than two decades of combined experience in the university sector and architectural practice. Khoa is an award-winning educator, designer, speaker and author. Khoa is regularly invited to provide high-level advice and leadership through chairing, convening, assessing, reviewing, juror and board member on the state, national and international university and professional panels. Notably, he is currently a fellow of the Curtin Academy as an executive member and national grants and awards assessor. Khoa has delivered numerous keynotes, convened and moderated conferences. Khoa has driven University-industry engagements around the notion of knowledge communities formed through consortiums of practice. Khoa’s contribution to higher education is led through fresh forms of thinking, creative synthesis of current and emerging discourse in industry engagement with external stakeholders in the advancement of work-integrated learning (WIL) simulation and multicultural design engagement approach. Khoa actively champions research in the areas of embedded learning in practice and to develop educational models that seek to capitalise on the professional industry environment as a place of authentic learning through project-based-learning (PBL), inquiry-based-learning (IBL) and experiential-based-learning (EBL) that promote collaborative inquiry and discovery. Khoa thrives on interdisciplinary projects as fantastic opportunities to work alongside colleagues who share a desire to awaken ways of supporting the advancement of SOTL for transformation that is bold, borderless and progressive.
User Since Friday, 8 May 2020
User Page Views 255
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.14
Conference Registration Discount 3.06%
Published Papers of Prof. Khoa Do
Conference Chairings of Prof. Khoa Do
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Paper Reviews by Prof. Khoa Do
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Conference Talks by Prof. Khoa Do
NEXUS//1.5_Transformational Partnerships