Dr. Christos Chrysoulas received his Diploma and his Phd in Electrical Engineering from the University of Patras in 2003 and 2009 respectively. During his Phd (2004-2009) and PostDoc studies (2010-2015) his research was focused on Smart Grids, IoT, Industrial Automation, Machine Learning, Big Data, E-Learning systems, Computer Networks, High Performance Communication Subsystems Architecture and Implementation, Wireless Networks, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA), Resource Management and Dynamic Service Deployment in New Generation Networks and Communication Networks, Grid Architectures, Semantics, and Semantic Grid. He joined CISTER Research Center, Porto, as an invited Researched in 2013. He joined University of Porto as Post-Doc Research fellow in 2014 and from July 2015 he was with the University of Essex, holding a Senior Officer Researcher position. From September 2017 till January 2020, he was holding a Lecturer’s position in Software Engineering in the London South Bank University, UK. Currently is holding a Lecturer’s position in Software Engineering in the Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, UK.
The outcome of this effort was properly announced in more than 40 technical papers in these areas. Dr. Christos Chrysoulas also participated as Senior Research/Engineer in both European and National Research Projects.