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Summary Information of Dr. Yusra Obeidat
Name Dr. Yusra Obeidat
Affiliation Yarmouk University,
Topics Design and Deployment of Sensor Systems
Emerging Sensor Applications
Biography Dr.Yusra Obeidat received her B.Sc in electronics engineering from Yarmouk university, Jordan in 2010, and she received her M.Sc and PhD in electrical engineering from Colorado state university, USA 2014 and 2018 respectively. She is currently an assistant professor in the electronic engineering department at Yarmouk university in Jordan. In her research work, Dr.Yusra focuses on the design of electronic circuits and instrumentations, optical waveguides and sensors systems for different applications. Dr.Yusra works to be involved in professional networks and interacts with people from academic and scientific aspects to develop her knowledge and learn new ways of thinking and communicating. She tends to interact with students and encourage them to be more responsible, ambitious, and to develop themselves to achieve their goals and be successful engineers. Dr.Yusra is an IEEE member and the counselor of IEEE women in engineering (WIE)- Yarmouk branch, her main goal is to develop and promote more women engineers and scientists at Yarmouk university and to inspire them to follow their academic interests to a career in engineering. She is also the supervisor of the developer students club (DSC) -Yarmouk university branch. This branch was one of the first branches that was approved in middle east in 2019.
User Since Wednesday, 17 February 2021
User Page Views 162
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.15
Conference Registration Discount 3.28%
Published Papers of Dr. Yusra Obeidat
Conference Chairings of Dr. Yusra Obeidat
Conference Committees of Dr. Yusra Obeidat
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Sensors, Sensor Networks, and Applications (Sensors)MIC-ElectricApps 202515-17 August 2025 (Hybrid Mode) in Irbid, Jordan
Paper Reviews by Dr. Yusra Obeidat
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Dr. Yusra Obeidat has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
SpeechMIC-Signals 2021
MLSPMIC-Signals 2021
Conference Talks by Dr. Yusra Obeidat