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Summary Information of Dr. Fatima Domingues
Name Dr. Fatima Domingues
Affiliation Instituto de Telecomunicações,
Topics Wearable Sensor Networks
Home Monitoring and Homecare
Biography Maria de Fatima Fonseca Domingues is a Researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações and University of Aveiro, Portugal. She finished the Ph.D. degree in Physics Engineering, from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in December 2014. After the PhD completion, Dr. Domingues was the recipient of National Post-doc grant from FCT (SFRH/BPD/101372/2014), in a joint collaboration between Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) - Portugal, and CSIC-UPM Centro de Automatica y Robotica (CAR), Madrid, Spain, where 1 year of exchange was foreseen. Since 2019, she is a Researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações and University of Aveiro, Portugal. Dr. Domingues authored/co-authored 119 published works, including 5 books, 5 book-chapters multiple articles in high impact, peer reviewed journals and conferences, with h-index 22 (GoogleScholar) and an overall of +1400 citations. Dr. Domingues has 10+ years’ research experience in the development of photonic sensors solutions for the monitoring of a diverse number of parameters, including, temperature, humidity and strain, and a vast range of applications including rehabilitation and wearable sensors for biomedical and eHealth applications. She is also active in the supervision of undergraduate and graduate students in laboratory environment and projects development (supervision of 1 Ph.D. student (on going), supervised/co-supervised 3 project grant holders, supervised/co-supervised 4 MSc dissertation(s), supervised/co-supervised 10 work(s) of LSc/BSc Degree completion projects). Dr. Domingues has an active cooperation in the preparation of project proposals at national and EU levels. She is the Co-PI of the International CELTIC NEXT (2019)-SAFE-HOME, focusing on the development of non-invasive solutions for the monitoring of elders and the IT work package coordinator in the project SENSECOR targeting the development of immunosensory integrated system for a fast and efficient detection of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. She has also participated in/coordinated smaller Internal IT projects focusing on the development of photonic based wearable solutions for physical rehabilitation (WeHOPE/REACT) and home monitoring of elders (NICE-HOME). Additionally, she is active in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks project proposals submission, having coordinated the full project proposal submission for the 2021 call, and contributed for proposals submitted in previous ITN calls. Dr. Domingues is a member of the editorials (Journal of Sensors, Hindawi, and Sensors, MDPI) and the review panels for different peer-reviewed Journals indexed in JCR, ISI and SJR, including IEEE Internet of Things Journal; Journal of Biomedical Optics; Photonics Technology Letters, Sensors and Actuators, Optik, IEEE Acess; IEEE Sensors. She is a usual TPC member in flagship conferences like IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC and IEEE HealthCom. She was/is a member of the Organizing Committee of Broadnets2018, IMOC2019, MeditCom022 and IEEE HealthCom 2022 international conferences; she was/is also the Technical Chair of the workshop in IEEE ICC'2021 (WS9 [AgeWellSens]) and Track Chair at IEEE MetroInd4.0&IoT’22 Special Session [Smart Systems based on Fiber Optic sensors for Industry 4.0]. She is an IEEE, IEEE ComSoc, IEEE Photonics Society and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) member, and an active and voting member in IEEE eHealth and Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks (IoT-AHSN) Technical Committees. Recently, Dr. Domingues was elected for the secretary position of IEEE EMBS Portuguese Chapter.
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