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32 days remaining to submit papers to MIC-Power 2024 in Irbid, Jordan
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Summary Information of Dr. Samah Rahamneh
Name Dr. Samah Rahamneh
Affiliation University of Jordan,
Topics Optimization for Cloud Computing and Networking
Mobile Cloud Security
Biography Samah Rahamneh (Member, IEEE) received the M.E. degree from University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Western Michigan University, Michigan, USA, in 2020. She is currently an assistant professor with the School of engineering, University of Jordan. She has publications peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Her research interests include cloud computing resource optimization and security, optimization algorithms, and HW/SW partitioning in mobile cloud computing for big data applications.
User Since Wednesday, 5 June 2024
User Page Views 58
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