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Update on 20 December 2024: GC-NetCom 2025 is now technically co-sponsored by CRC Press/Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
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Summary Information of Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo
Name Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo
Affiliation Universidad de Sevilla,
Biography I'm an associated professor of the University of Sevilla, member of the IDINFOR group led by Prof. Juan Antonio Ortega. This group devotes special attention to research, development and innovation on ubiquitous computing. My research lines comprise are: * Development of novel techniques on continuous monitorization of care need people using mobile devices. * Design of travelling prediction sistems oriented to outdoor assistencial needs persons. * Analysis of daily activities using accelerometry signals from the mobile phone of the tested person. * Design of context based development architectures on last generation mobile devices. * Recopilation and treatment of real time information oriented to knowledge of the user context. REFERENCES Luis Miguel Soria Morillo [] IDINFOR [] Selected projects: Public Administracion Funds - Arquitectura para la eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad en entornos residenciales (TIN2009-14378-C02-01 - Investigador) - INTEGR@:Integración de Servicios y Nuevas Tecnologías en el Alojamiento del Cliente dentro de un Espacio Turístico (P033-09/E05 - Investigador) - ATENEA, Arquitectura Middleware y Herramientas. (FIT-340503-2007-1 - Investigador) - Sistema de CUidados UBICuOs y asistencia controlado por familiares y centros médicos para personas con dependencias-CUBICO (P06-TIC-02141 - Contratado) Private Funds - Televisión Interactiva Multiplataforma (TIM). (CTA- TIM.09 - Investigador) - Apoyo al desarrollo de sistemas de información geográfica en Elinco Sistemas (P021-09/E05 - Investigador) - OSAMI-Commons Open Source Infraestructure Ambient Inteligence Commons (P024-08/E05 - Investigador) - INCUBA (P025-09/E05 - Investigador) Patents: - Dilos: Location and Tracking Device Energy-Efficient - Sci: Simple Cluster Interface
User Since Monday, 2 May 2011
User Page Views 285
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.584
Conference Registration Discount 12.17%
Published Papers of Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
30.Cnf-163Dr. Ismael Cuadrado Cordero
Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo
Prof. Juan A. Ortega
Dr. Luis Gonzalez-Abril
Architecture for based-on-context mobile application developing
MIC-MCWC 201215-17 June 2012 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Conference Chairings of Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo
Conference Committees of Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
eHealth and Tele-Medicine (eHTM)MIC-MCWC 201314-16 June 2013 in Valencia, Spain
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
Paper Reviews by Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
MIC- 1970
Conference Talks by Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo