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Update on 19 July 2021: Dr. Jose M. Jimenez becomes Chairperson of MIC-Multimedia 2021.
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Summary Information of Dr. Turgay Altilar
Name Dr. Turgay Altilar
Affiliation Istanbul Technical University,
Biography D. Turgay Altilar received his Ph.D. degree in 2002 from Queen Mary, University of London. He was involved with several EU projects related to parallel multimedia processing during his Ph.D. research. He has been assigned as an Assistant Professor in 2003 at the Computer Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University. Dr. Altilar's research interests are related to wireless sensor networks, cognitive radio, real-time systems, pervasive computing, parallel, distributed and grid computing. The current research interests are routing protocol design in cognitive radio networks, data dissemination on multimedia sensor networks, MAC and routing protocol design for multichannel sensor networks, resource management Grid Computing and naturally tolerant parallel algorithm design and heterogeneous network based GPGPU computing. He has served as technical program committee chair, technical program committee member, session and symposium organizer, and workshop chair in several conferences. Dr. Altilar is a member of IEEE.
User Since Sunday, 10 July 2011
User Page Views 197
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.24
Conference Registration Discount 5.19%
Published Papers of Dr. Turgay Altilar
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location

GS Citations

Mr. Sheikh Mohammad Moinuddin
Dr. Turgay Altilar
Spectrum sharing in cognitive radio network through matrix bidding multi unit combinatorial auction
MIC-CNIT 201116-18 December 2011 in Dubai, UAE
34.Cnf-441Mr. Gökhan Seçinti
Dr. Turgay Altilar
Virtual Laxity Driven Scheduling for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems
MIC-CCA 201212-14 October 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Chairings of Dr. Turgay Altilar
Conference Chairing
ConferenceDates and Location
5th Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications (MIC-CCA 2012)12-14 October 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Committees of Dr. Turgay Altilar
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (UCC)MIC-CCA 201212-14 October 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey
()MIC- 19701 January - 31 December 1969 in ,
Paper Reviews by Dr. Turgay Altilar
There are no registered reviews of Dr. Turgay Altilar
Conference Talks by Dr. Turgay Altilar