Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria
I received an Engineering degree specialized in Electronics option Communication from Sciences and Technology Houary Boumedienne University (USTHB, Algeria)in 1997, a D.E.A. degree in Telecommunication in 2001 and a Ph.D. degree in Telecommunication in 2007 from the National Polytechnic School of El harrach ( ENP, Algeria). Recently ( June 2009), I obtained the habilitation to supervise the researches ( professor habilitated) at Sciences and Technology Houary Boumedienne University (USTHB, Algeria). Since 2003, I am Teacher and Researcher at the Electronic and Informatics Faculty of USTHB University (Algeria). My research interests include the optical fiber components (propagation and characterization), the new generation of optical fibers ( photonic crystal fibers), fiber Gratting, modelling non linear effects , solitons,DWDM