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339 days remaining to submit papers to CompuTek 2026 in Antalya, Turkey
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Summary Information of Mr. Jafar Karimi
Name Mr. Jafar Karimi
Affiliation Iran University of Science and Technology,
Topics Wireless Communication Systems
Biography Education: Master Of Science Telecommunication Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2001. B.S. Electronics Engineering, Urmia, Iran., 1998. Hardware Design Experience: Design And implementing of ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) modem on the Xilinx Spartan FPGA. that includes following blocks: 1.1 256 QAM DMT Modulator. 2.1 512 Points IFFT Modulator for Multicarrier Modulation. 3. 1 512 points FFT Processor for Multicarrier Modulation. 4.1 Scrambler And Descrambler. 5.1 Interleaver And Deinterleaver. 6.1 Reed Solomon Encoder And Decoder. 7.1 32CRC Checker Coder. 2. Design And Implementing of Remote Power Meter on the Xilinx Spartan FPGA. In This Project we Compute Active and Reactive Power Consumption Of Subscribers of Electrical Power Distributor Co. And then send these information on the power line and process these information at the Electrical Power Distributor Co . that includes following blocks: 1.2 Framing and Deframing Structure. 2.2 BCH Encoder and Decoder. 3.2 32CRC Checker coder. 4.2 Scrambler & Descrambler. 5.2 Data Preparation Unit. 6.2 Real Time Clock Unit Protocol & Networking: Deep Knowledge in Cisco Router Configuration, Cisco H323 gateway Configuration, E1 channeling, Subneting, Access list, SNMP, Load Balancing, Static Routing, RIP, H323, SIP, NAT, VLAN, IP Sec.,VPN, Cisco Catalyst switch configuration,LAN, IOS upgrading. Deep Knowledge in Wireless radio Configuration and wireless PTP and PTMP Network configuration. Network Experiences: Setup & Implementation of ADSL Infrastructure in Orumieh. Setup & Implementetotion of wireless PTMP in west azerbaijan education system in urmia and four cities of west Azerbaijan. Setup & Implementetotion of VPN network in west azerbaijan education system. Hands on background in LAN/WAN environment with deep skill in network setup and optimization for Microsoft windows advance server. OS and Hardwares: Microsoft Win95, 98, NT, XP, 2000, 2003 Server,Linux RH,Mandrake,Sun Micro Systems OS(Solaris) , Compaq , IBM , X86 Platforms Programming experts: Deep skill in Hardware Languages such as Verilog and Vhdl and TCL programming. Deep skill in general programming languages such as C++ , Matlab. Software experts: I have Deep skills in Different Microsoft Windows tools such As All Microsoft Office Tools & Visio. Adobe Tools Such As Adobe Acrobat Write. Fpga Verification And Synthesis Tools such as ModelSim, Synplicity and Xilinx ISE . Verilog and Vhdl simulation and synthesis tools such as Matlab, ActiveHdl, ModelSim, Synopsys Synthesis tools(VCS,Design Analyzer, DesignCmpiler), Cadence Simulation and synthesis tools( NCVerilog, BuildGates(PKS),Encounter).
User Since Tuesday, 18 December 2012
User Page Views 111
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0
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Published Papers of Mr. Jafar Karimi
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
8.Cnf-712Mr. Jafar Karimi
A novel radix-4 structure for computing IFFT in MCM system
MIC-CNIT 20085-7 December 2008 in Amman, Jordan
Conference Chairings of Mr. Jafar Karimi
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Paper Reviews by Mr. Jafar Karimi
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