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Update on 8 July 2021: Dr. Kanwalinder Gagneja becomes Track Chairperson of NetSec@MIC-Networks 2021.
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Summary Information of Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa
Name Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa
Affiliation Centre National de Recherche en Soudage et Contrôle,
Biography F. Mekhalfa studied Electronic at National Polytechnic School (NPS), Algeria from 1995-1999. She received engineer diploma from NPS in 1999. She did post graduation in Signal & Communication at NPS and received the Magister’s degree in 2002. She is a research scholar at Department Electronic, NPS, Algeria. She is working in the area of image compression under the supervision of Pr D. Berkani. She is currently working as researcher at welding and non destructive testing research center, Algeria. Her research interests include image processing, image coding, pattern recognition and their application on weld defects detection.
User Since Thursday, 2 August 2012
User Page Views 133
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0
Conference Registration Discount 0%
Published Papers of Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
34.Cnf-435Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa
Prof. Daoud Berkani
Comparison of fractal compression methods impact on radiographic images of weld defects
MIC-CCA 201212-14 October 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Chairings of Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa
Conference Committees of Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa
Paper Reviews by Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa
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Conference Talks by Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa